Twenty Seven: Reclaiming What's His

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Ivy mewled out in pain as another foot kicked her stomach. All the men stood around her laughing, joking in Italian and she closed her eyes, hoping the aching pain would subside to numbness. The room was painted with Ivy's blood as she coughed out even more, the sticky saliva a warm shade of red.

Ivy didn't know how long it had been since she was kidnapped but she hoped that Valentino would find her soon, the darkness was consuming her everyday that seemed to pass and soon Ivy knew she'd reach a breaking point; something she didn't want to happen. She wanted to stay strong, she needed to stay strong if she wished to make it out alive.

While being locked up and beaten, Ivy realized she had an advantage, something that Matteo or no one else knew. She could speak Italian so while they would murmur in the corners about their plans, they thought that they were safe, that she couldn't understand them. From what Ivy could make out between the shifting of consciousness, their plan was to force Valentino to give Matteo what he wanted. Which was the drug Valentino had developed. Apparently Matteo wanted the recipe or the contacts of the people that were creating the drug for Valentino. But Valentino was Valentino, he was selfish and no matter how many photos he was sent of Ivy, he wasn't budging. That only seemed to frustrate Matteo even more and today, when Ivy spat on one of the men, he let them beat her while he stood back and watched in amusement.

Suddenly a roaring alarm echoed through the cold room and the men froze, turning their attention to Matteo. Matteo reached for the gun in the back of his hand and loaded it, nodding his head. "Trascinala fuori di qui. Assicurati di ammanettare e impacchettare anche lei, non abbiamo bisogno che la cagna scappi. Dobbiamo solo mostrare a Valentino di cosa sono capace." Matteo muttered in Italian as he picked Ivy off of the floor. At the sudden and quick movement, she coughed, her ribs aching in pain and there was no doubt that several of them were broken. A guard walked forward and roughly placed a black bag over her head before cuffing her hands behind her back.

(Translation: Drag her outta here. Make sure to cuff and bag her too, we don't need the bitch running off. We just need to show Valentino what I'm capable of.)

"Walk." He snapped and shoved Ivy forward, causing her to trip over and fall onto the floor. Her body was too weak and bruised to try and stand back up and the man cursed in Italian, pulling Ivy to her feet before taking matters into her own hands and carrying her up some stairs. Her almost naked body was met with a wave of warmth and light, meaning that they must've reached the main floor of the house. Loud and heavy footsteps stomped around Ivy until she was suddenly dropped onto the floor, groaning in pain as her knees collided with the hard ground.

Ivy closed her eyes, hoping that they would forget about her and let her fall into the darkness as she would try to sleep and numb the aches away until a familiar voice boomed through the room.

"Right, Matteo! You wanted a fucking war, I made sure to fucking bring one asshole!" His New York accent brought a stinging sensation to Ivy's inside and she suddenly felt sick. Maybe it was hope... Gratefulness. The thought of Valentino coming for Ivy made her grin selfishly. He came to get her back.

Valentino's eyes scanned the room as his chest heaved up and down in rage. Matteo wanted a war but Valentino wanted much worse; a bloodbath and the walls painted with Italian's blood. His eyes suddenly stopped as they froze at the fragile body on the ground. Matteo stood above her smiling sadistically with a gun in his hand.

"Val, it's been a long time since we've butt heads. I'm sure this one will end the exact same way. With me winning, of course." Valentino gritted his teeth and his hold on the weapon in his hands tightened. The difference between Matteo and Valentino was that Matteo had people do the dirty work for him and Valentino, well he didn't mind getting his hands covered in someone else's blood from time to time. In saying that, Matteo was crazy but Valentino was a psychopath.

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