Fifty: Death Day

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One year. Twelve months. Fifty two weeks. Three hundred and sixty five days. Ivy had been dreading this day since she signed her life away on the contract.

It was early in the morning. Too early. Yet Ivy lied wide awake in bed while Valentino slept peacefully next to her as if it wasn't her death day. The morning sun barely peeked through the edges of the curtains and she sighed, rubbing her tired eyes as Valentino's heavy breathing tickled behind her ear. His arms were wrapped protectively around her waist and Ivy felt the sudden pang in her chest again.

Slowly turning around in his hold, trying to not wake him up, Ivy stared at his peaceful face. Her finger mindlessly tracing the outline of his jaw, her thumb grazing his cheekbone and her eyes delicately dancing over the scar that was etched into his skin. Valentino's eyebrows were furrowed together in a soft frown as Ivy gently placed a kiss on his forehead.

Just as Ivy tried to wriggle out of his grip carefully, Valentino suddenly pulled her back into him, squishing her body against his with his head nestled in her neck. "Where do you think you're running off to, hm?" He mumbled, his voice low and husky from just waking up.

"I was going to get a quick shower." She replied and Valentino hummed a response, pecking sweet kisses along her jaw and down her neck to her exposed shoulder.

"Just stay for a couple more minutes." Valentino mumbled into her hair, pulling her even closer and enfolded Ivy with his body heat. Valentino wasn't much of a hugger. Let alone did he let many women into his room. And everytime, he was never there in the morning for them to wake up to him. But somehow, Ivy had sunk her claws in, and dug under his skin. A poison - a drug - that he was heavily addicted to and the only way to relieve it was to hold her close, to feel her skin electrify under his touch.

Ivy settled into his hold, her eyes fluttering closed as she slowly accepted the peacefulness of the early morning. Normally Valentino's touch was playful, teasing her innocently by running his hands up her thighs or his lips scattering her body with kisses but not now. His touch was gentle, calming as he intertwined his fingers with her.

Several minutes passed by and an unsettling guilt sunk in her stomach. Her chest suddenly heavy and she found herself wide awake again with nausea. "It's been a year..." Ivy whispered, hoping that he would hear the hidden meaning in the four short words.

"Hmm. I suppose it has."

"So what are you going to do?" She asked, her chest pounding against her ribcage as she braced herself for the truth. T oday she was going to die. It was out of control and Ivy had signed her life away - literally - and now there she was, cuddled up next to the man who had the power to end it all. Her existence to crumble into a billion pieces in his hands.

"What do you want to do?"

Live. Ivy thought to herself but she knew there was no point arguing the outcome after signing and agreeing to it a year ago.

"Why are you asking me what I want? It's all up to you. How are you going to kill me Mr. Black? A bullet between my eyes or are you going to have a little fun with me first? You know, torture me, make me bleed. Have me screaming."

Valentino smirked against her shoulder and his breath tickled her ear when he let out a huff of a chuckle. Skimming his hand under the cover, he slowly dragged it up her bare thigh, his fingers burning her skin and Ivy's head fell back against his chest and a sigh left her lips as Valentino ran his mouth against her shoulder blade, sucking lazily on her neck.

His large hand rested on her ass, squeezing tightly causing Ivy to squirm at the pressure but Valentino's rough touch faded to a soothing pat. The tips of his fingers gently applied pressure to the soft area while his thumb rolled against her hot skin.

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