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Yesterday was amazing all I did was my morning routine, relaxed in my pool, read and deep cleaned my house. I also went a little too heavy on wine and ended up drunk online shopping. Damon called me today, he wants me to despell some old ass magical stone, apparently Elena has to die for some ritual which is why she was taken by super old vampires. Elena talked to Katherine and apparently this Klaus guy killed her whole family for running and ruining the ritual. The stone is what binds the spell Klaus wants to break, so why would I get my self killed by dispelling some old ass stone? I won't and now Damon is mad at me because I won't put myself at risk of death for anyone. If they want to all die they can do that, I'm not going to be stupid getting involved with all that. I called Caroline to check up on her she told Tyler she's a vampire and they have been getting close. I told her to be careful around the full moon because he won't have control over himself.

Two days after saving Elena
The Full Moon

Right now I'm sketching a wolf and drinking a glass of wine when I hear my ring tone for Damon. I sigh and answer it.
"Calling to yell at me some more?"
"I need your help."
"I'm not helping you despell that stupid rock Damon, I don't have a death wish unlike you."
"Stefan's stuck in the tomb." My jaw drops, what is wrong with these idiots.
"If you want him out Katherine is going to be free as well."
"I don't care, just get him out." I sigh irritated with his attitude.
"It's a full moon tonight so you are going to have to wait until tomorrow."
"Thanks for nothing Aubrey." He hangs up on me, what a dick! I strip my cloths off and walk outside completely nude, I lay on my yard and wait for the moon to reach its apex. I enjoy the energy the full moon provides when my bones start breaking causing me to let out a scream. I don't try to delay the transaction, I let it consume me and then I'm on four fuzzy white paws. I run through the forest as fast as possible as I enjoy the rush I feel. The wind is blowing through my white fur, I feel eyes watching me making me stop suddenly. I smell the air and can instantly tell who they are, I turn around and see the man. Elijah is looking at me with the most expressive face I've seen him wear, he is in complete shock. I whine at him trying to signal I won't attack him.
"Your a hybrid? How is it possible?" I walk toward him slowly trying to show I'm not a threat, I nuzzle his hand with my nose. He slowly scratches my head, I let out a brrr sound in happiness. Weirdly my instincts are showing I can trust him which has never happened with anyone.
"And your eyes are pink?" I roll my eyes causing him to chuckle.
"Even in your wolf form you have an attitude, can I stop by tomorrow evening." He questions while petting me I nod, he sends me a genuine smile. "I must be going now, enjoy your night." He then is gone, I can feel the night coming closer to an end making me run back to my home.

" He then is gone, I can feel the night coming closer to an end making me run back to my home

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Aubrey's House

"I got back together with Matt" Caroline says over the phone leaving me flabbergasted.
"I thought you and Tyler had a thing going."
"What? Why would you think that."
"God Care I have no idea. Maybe because you stayed with him on a full moon even though he could have killed you."
"I just felt bad for him. He's all alone in this." I finish curling my hair finally.
"Sure whatever you say Carebear." Ding dong, "Shit I have to go ill call you tomorrow."
"Wait who's at your house."
"Uh pizza bye." I hang up the phone and look into the mirror. I look beautiful, why am I so nervous for him to come over? I'm never nervous when it comes to men. I walk to my front door take a deep breath and swing it open, holy shit.

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