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Portland Woods

"Can you do this more often?" I question while Nik gives me a piggy back ride through the forest. My body still hurts from yesterday on the jet, not that I'll admit that to him. I need to start doing yoga or something. He lets out a soft chuckle, "If it makes you happy then I'll do it every bloody day until the end of time." My heart melts, he has been very mushy since the jet, but so have I. I've decided to listen to my heart for once instead of my head, it may be the downfall of me but it might also be the rise. All I know is when I'm around Nik and Elijah I'm incredibly happy for the first time in my life. What I'm going to do to explain my relationship with Nik to Elijah. I have no idea. But when we wake him I will be completely honest about my feelings for the both of them and if I need to I will simply walk away. As much as my heart would shatter I refuse to break up a family. Hopefully we can figure it out together, I'm sure fist will be thrown but a little blood shed won't kill them.

We finally arrive at a camp site filled with people, or werewolves. Nik sets me down on the ground and grabs my hand sending me a smile that I return. "Hello fellow werewolves!" I say cheerfully causing them all to look at me, "We are here to offer you a way to become even more extraordinary than our kind already are!" I look toward Nik and gesture for him to speak.
"It's fascinating, actually...A werewolf who isn't beholden to the moon, a vampire who doesn't burn in the sun. A true hybrid." The wolves all look around at one another, confusion on their faces. A man steps forward, "Your Klaus?"

"You've heard of me. Fantastic." I cut in, "And I'm Aubrey, quite rude to not know who I am." I say sarcastically. His eyes widen, "The witch werewolf?" A smile beams on my face, "Yay! It's like I'm famous or something, that would be me." I flash my light pink eyes at the lot of them, causing them to all whisper among one another. I step forward leaving Nik behind me, "Think of how much better your life would be, you wouldn't be forced to turn under the full moon or ever. If you are like me and enjoy the aspect of turning you would be free to turn whenever you wished. You would live forever, be stronger, a superior species. All you have to do is ask." I smile sweetly at them all who look to be considering the offer. "Those of you who do not wish for that life you are free to leave and live on your merry lives." No one leaves everyone stands there looking between one another. Nik grabs my forearm dragging us away from prying ears, "Aubrey what do you think your doing? They will turn whether they want to or not." He says angrily while glaring at me.

"Nik if you give them a choice they will want to respect you, they will be loyal to you because they want to, not because they are forced to

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"Nik if you give them a choice they will want to respect you, they will be loyal to you because they want to, not because they are forced to." He goes to cut me off, I press a finger to his lips shushing him, "Try it this once, see how it goes. If it goes south we can do it your way with the next pack. But just by looking at their reactions to our proposition I'd be surprised if one walks away." I pull my finger from his lips, "Okay your turn." I say with a sickly sweet smile, his lips curl up in amusement, "Fine Aubrey, we will try it your way only because it's you."

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