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I have no sense of time in this cell, I feels as though it has been weeks. But has it been hours, days, months? Everyday I get one meal usually brought in by Damon, after I eat its back to torture time. Stefan came down here once but he looked extremely uncomfortable, not that I blame him. Im sure the sight of me emotionless with blood, bruises, cuts and burns covering my body is quite gruesome. As time goes by I find myself reeling in the fact that everyone I care about either dies or turns on me. My mothers dead, Elijah's dead I think, my father didn't want me, Damon was supposed to be my friend and now he is invoking pure suffering onto me. And Caroline hasn't visited me or tried to help me at all. Just as I think of her I see her blonde curly hair enter my cell. I don't lift my head at all as I say,
"Nice of you to finally visit Caroline." There is an awkward silence for a while, I slowly lift my head, "Do you consider me an enemy now as well?" I question tilting my head. She looks away from me refusing to maintain eye contact with me.
"You weren't going to help us. Did you know that me, Tyler and Elena had to die in the sacrifice." I keep no emotion on my face.
"No, I only knew about Elena and honestly I could care less if Tyler dies." She throws her hands up in the air annoyed.
"How do you not care about anything! You remain emotionless through all of this! Would you care if I died?!"
"Would you try to free me if I was being tortured? Held against my will? When I woke up after the mutts kidnapped us the first thing I asked was if your okay. I can see our friendship is no longer void to you so why don't you just go." I keep my front of the emotionless bitch on but inside I'm breaking, I'm even more broken than I was before all this. Everyone I care about has abandoned me and aided in my demise. Caroline takes a syringe out of her pocket and seems to be contemplating using it. If she does this it will truly be the ending of our sisterhood. Just as I think she will leave, she zooms over and crams it into my neck. Well now I know I am truly alone.

Alaric's Apartment

I feel someone shaking my shoulders trying to wake me up, I move my arms slightly and feel no burn of wolfsbane. I jump up as fast as possible in my weakened state, I see Katherine and grab her throat and try to siphon her but to no avail. I'm thrown of her by someone, "DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME!" I yell at Katherine while flashing my wolf eyes. I can feel the wolfsbane burning throughout my blood stream still making me weak.
"Magnificent." I hear a British voice say, I turn my head and see a silhouette of a man though my blurred vision. Klaus I'm guessing.
"If your who I think you are this isn't going to be a very fair fight, but come at me. Lets get this over with." I say with as much strength as I can muster, I get into a defensive stance.
"No need for all that love as I'm the one who sent my witch to rescue you."
"Why? What do you want?" I am getting more dizzy every second I stay standing, but I cannot let my guard down. The last time I did it ended with me and Elijah getting taken out. He walks toward me slowly causing me to walk backwards.
"Nothings, I am simply curious about you since we are both hybrids." I lose my breath.
"That's impossible, your lying to me." I can feel my emotionless facade wearing down as I talk with him, I need to get out of here, I limp to the front door of the apartment but am stopped by a barrier spell. I spin back around and Katherine is no where to be found and Klaus is sitting on a couch.
"Take a seat, I will not harm you." I stare at him for a moment before walking toward a chair in the living room. I take a seat, if I want to get out of here alive I need to buy myself time. Once that witch power muting stuff is out of my system I can siphon the barrier spell and get out of here. I pull my knees into my chest and begin scratching the scabbed over burns on my legs. "What's your name?" I continue scratching and don't look up at him
"Aubrey." I mutter quietly.
"My name in Klaus but you can call me Nik." He says softly as though I am a wounded animal, I suppose in a way I am. Bruised and beaten by those I care about. "Aubrey you need to stop scratching love, your bleeding." I pull my hand up and sure enough it is covered in blood. Flashes of my mothers dead body flood my mind. Suddenly he is standing right Infront of me.
"Please don't touch me." I say as he reaches for my hand. He leans back onto the coffee table giving me space.
"Very well, I can heal you as I am a vampire." He says looking into my eyes with concern lacing his blue ones. I just nod in response, he gets up walking away into the kitchen. When he comes back he has a glass filled with I assume is his blood, I lift it up to my nose and smell only blood, I take a tiny sip of it trying to detect anything other than blood. When I'm convinced it is free of any herbs or drugs I drink it quickly, the metallic taste remains in my mouth as I feel my physical pain lessen, though my mental pain becomes more prominent. Nik takes the empty glass from my hands, "Not a very trusting person Aubrey?"
"Trust is what got me here."
"Do you have anyone I need to contact of your release."
"Don't you already know everything about me? I mean you know I'm a hybrid." I say irrated at his question, or the answer to his question. He lets out a small chuckle.
"I only know what Katerina has shared with me, your a hybrid and your mother passed away, also that you are close with Damon and Caroline. Seeing as though you were kept prisoner at Damon's house I'm guessing that has changed." I don't respond, I stare blankly at the wall. After a while of silence he questions, "Why did they do this to you?"
"I'm the enemy." I shrug as I repeat there reasoning. "Can I take a shower, I'm covered in blood." He nods sadly and I walk away. While in the shower as my blood flows down the drain I can't help but remember when it was my mother blood flowing down. After my shower I dried off and put on the pink jogger set that was hanging up for me. I walk into the living room and take a seat in the chair I was previously sitting. Nik is still in his previous seat but he's holding a glass of liquor.
"I know you plan on siphoning the barrier spell once the herbs leave your system." I am shocked that he knew that was my plan but I don't react or say anything. He then pulls a cell phone out of his pocket and hands it to me.
"What's this for?" I ask confusion lacing my tone.
"My number is in there, if you ever need anything feel free to use it." He says before downing his drink and walking away.

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