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Niklaus and Elijah went to Alaric's apartment to retrieve the white oak there, Kol is on prisoner duty and Rebekah and I are driving to Wickery Bridge to burn it down. "Finally! Just us girls!" I chuckle at her before downing some ibuprofen. "What is going on with you Aubrey?" I look at her with my brow raised while drinking water, "With you being ill."
"I don't know, it's super weird and came out of nowhere. I have been ridiculously nauseous lately and crampy." She sighs, "Aubrey are you a bloody idiot!" She yells at me amused making me even more confused. "No?" I question back to her. "When was the last time you had your period?" My eyes widen, "What are you going on about?" She rolls her eyes, "Think." I pull my phone out and look at the calendar. Shock overcomes me, "Five weeks ago. Nope that's not possible Rebekah! The only people I've been with recently is Elijah and Nik. My hormones must just be messed up or something." She shakes her head, "We are getting a test before we go home." I roll my eyes as it's not possible, but in the back of my mind I can't help but wonder, is it?

Rebekah and I just got back from burning the bridge, I just peed on the early pregnancy test and we are both staring at it in the bathroom as we wait. "Rebekah, I think you've gone crazier than you already were." She sighs, "Or you've just gotten stupider." I shove her shoulder before sitting down on the toilet feeling anxious. "What if it's true Rebekah? I don't want kids, I never have." She sighs and takes my hands, "Aubrey, I will be here for you every step of the way. Whatever you decide to do I will be on your side." I smile up at her kind words that make me happy but doesn't help with the nerves.

She stands up and picks up the test, her eyes widen causing my heart to begin pounding. She hands it to me and when I read what it says my stomach drops. PREGNANT :). My entire world freezes as shock overcomes my system. I hear a knock at the bathroom door, "Aubrey my love, are you alright?" I walk to the door with the test in my hand and open the door, Niks smile immediately drops when he sees the tears streaming down my face. "What's wrong?" I say nothing and just hand him the test.

He slowly looks up at me rage evident on his face and suddenly I'm pinned against the wall by my shoulders with him screaming in my face, "YOUVE BEEN WITH SOMEONE ELSE?!" Anger floods my system as I raise my hand and smack him right in the face. "NO YOU BLOODY IDIOT IT'S YOUR FAULT, WITH YOUR HALF DEAD ANCIENT SPERM! NOW IM GOING TO HAVE TO CARRY AN ALIEN INSIDE OF ME FOR 9 MONTHS AND THEN PUSH IT OUT AND THEN TAKE CARE OF IT!" Suddenly Nik is across the room as Rebekah pushed him away. Rebekah wraps me in a hug, instantly causing me to start sobbing in her arms as she shushes me.

"What is all this ruckus about?" I hear Elijah question as Rebekah lets go of her hold on me but holds my hand. "We need to have a family meeting." She says strongly as Elijah looks between the two of us. He nods frantically, I don't think I've ever seen him this uncomposed. Rebekah leads me and her to the main sofa in the room, I sit down and bring my knees to my chest as fear floods my system. Elijah sits next to me but doesn't make a move to touch me, Nik ends up sitting in one if the armchairs as does Kol. "Aubrey." Rebekah says softly.

"I'm preg... pregnant." I begin sobbing again as saying it out loud makes it feel so surreal. Elijah begins rubbing my back as the room remains silent filled by only the sounds of my whimpering. "It has to be either yours or Niks." I barley choke out. Nik jumps out of his seat, "That's impossible." He says more to himself then to any of us as he begins pacing the room.

Elijah stands up and Rebekah pulls me toward her, "Niklaus, think about it, you are a hybrid half vampire, half wolf. Wolves can procreate." I look up at Nik and he no longer looks mad, I have no idea what is going on in his head. I look down and Rebekah clears her throat bringing the attention back onto her, "Aubrey, it is your choice, do you know what you want to do?" She asks softly causing me to gulp as the attention is back on me.

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