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Hospital Parking Lot

"So the doppelgänger isn't the problem. Her blood is the solution." Rebekah questions.
"Seems so." Nik replies.
"How did you know?"
"Well, you know how much the original witch hated me. Do you honestly think I would do anything other than the opposite of what she says?"
"A thousand years in the grave and she's still screwing with you."
"Well, it makes sense if you think about it from her perspective. It was her fail-safe in case I ever broke the hybrid curse. The doppelgänger had to die in order for me to become a hybrid, but if she was dead..."
"Then you couldn't use her blood to sire yourself a new species."
"Leaving me alone for all time." I can't help but relate to him, losing my mother, my only family, nearly destroyed me. I guess in a way it did, then to be tortured by the only to people I cared about.
"Is that what this is about? Your obsession with hybrids? You just don't want to be alone?"
"What I want is to take my girl, take my doppelgänger, take my hybrid the hell out of this one-pony town. You know, why don't you, uh, why don't you get the truck? I'll get Elena." Rebekah begins walking away. "Don't fuck with my luggage you bitch." She responds by flipping me off, I taught her that on the way here as well. Damon. My body freezes as flashes of torture enter my mind causing me to feel it all again, I feel frozen for hours before I feel hands on me, bringing me back to reality.

I'm in the woods and Nik looks worried and is pacing back and forth. "Sorry I uh I spaced. What happened?" Nik runs his hands through his hair, "Damon found Mikael! We need to get out of here!" I nod. Suddenly I'm in a passenger seat of a random SUV, Nik's in the driver seat speeding away.

You did get some of Elena's blood right?" He then pulls a bag from inside of his jacket. "So we build you an army and kill him." He chuckles an angry laugh.

"You make it sound so simply Aubrey! My family and I have been running from him for 1,000 years!" I sigh. "Then either we kill him or he kills us." He looks at me wide eyed, anger no longer evident on his face. "You would risk your life for me?" I sigh and turn toward the window not having it in me to look at him while I confess how I'm feeling.

"Earlier when you told Rebekah you would be alone for all of time I couldn't help but think that your family has made me feel the opposite for the first time since my mother died. Being tortured by the only two people I had left broke me, but you saved me." I turn looking at him, "So to answer your question, yes I would." A sad smile coats his lips. "Is that where your mind went earlier?" I gulp then nod, he turns his eyes to the road with his jaw clenched and rests his hand on top of mine rubbing small circles with his thumb. I smile and pull my phone out of my purse with my other hand, I click on Rebekah and text her, "Hey so don't hate me but you brother kidnapped me after Damon name dropped Mikael. Please keep my luggage safe and your self. Also if you can please try to get my necklace, Damon stole it when he tortured me 💕"

I turn toward Nik, "Where are we off to?"

"Portland, heard it was werewolf country." My eyes widen, "That's across the country, please tell me we aren't driving there." I whine, just the thought of being stuck in a car for that long sounds miserable. "Of course not love, I have a jet being sent."

"A jet?" He only nods at me like I'm stupid, "How the hell do you just get a jet sent to wherever you are?"


"What would happen to you if this plane crashed." He smile, amusement evident on his face.
"It would be a quick nap." I roll my eyes, the flight attendant walks over, "2 questions do you have rośe? And can I smoke?" She nods, "Yes ma'am, to both questions, let me go grab a bottle." She scurries away. I turn to Nik who is sitting next to me. "How do you feel about weed?" I ask digging into my bag pulling out my pink case with 5 blunts. "I am not opposed." I nod excited, I lean over the little table between us and put the blunt in between his lips, my finger slightly touching his bottom lip causing a shiver to run down my back. I put my hand on his chest and siphon from his for a split second, "Incendia." The blunt lights with a pink flame, Nik holds it between his fingers while inhaling, he exhales and passes it to me. I bring it to my lips and inhale enjoying the buzz from the tobacco and the relaxation from the thc.

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