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Nik and I are standing outside some hillbilly bar when his phone begins ringing, "What's the matter Rebekah? You cross that I'm out with your ex?" I shack him on the arm and he only smirks at me.. "What is all that dreadful hillbilly ruckus in the background?" She says annoyed. "According to the dreadful signage, it's Big Auggie's Bayou Bar." I chuckle while looking at the dreadful sign. "Well, order up a few rounds of moonshine and steer clear of the dead witches for a few. The witch is on a burial mission, and I'm trying to keep Aubrey alive. So, stall, please?"

"Love you too Bekah!" I say into Niks phone before he hangs up clearly pissy. Nik and I walk into the bar holding hands. We walk over to where Marcel is sat, drinking bourbon. I take the bar stool inbetween him and Nik, "Everything okay?" Marcel questions with his usual smile. Nik shrugs, "Oh, just the usual. Temperamental sister. So, where's your informant?"

 "Tomas? He's out sniffin' around. Grab a drink, and then we'll chase him down." Nik shrugs and pours himself a glass of bourbon before sliding my barstool closer to him, so I can lean back on him. "Well, I suppose it will give us a chance to talk things over, like the young witch. She must get so bored." I sigh, "Shit, I get bored while doing things I enjoy around people I like, her life really must suck." I say while fiddling with the rings on Niks hand.

"You never stop, do you?" Marcel questions. "You never answer, do you?" Honestly wish I was with Elijah right now, this is boring as hell. "Why're you so curious about Davina?" Marcel asks. '
"If I had a 16-year-old all-powerful witch at my beck and call, you would wonder about her, too."

"Is she as dreadful as he family?" Marcek shakes his head no at me before continuing his conversation with Nik, "You're never gonna get her." Nik chuckles, "Okay, okay. I'll ask the harmless questions, then. How did you meet her?" Marcek laughs, "That might surprise you. This was eight months ago, before I banned the witches from using magic. Relations between vampires and witches weren't what you'd you call friendly, by any means, but let's just say we were a little less... divided. In fact, some of us were getting along just fine. Like Sophie and I." He says before sipping his drink making me raise a brow.

Nik laughs from behind me, "You and Sophie? You hypocrite! You torture those witches, and yet there you were, getting positively Romeo and Juliet with Sophie Deveraux." I smack him, "Don't talk shit when you are clearly madly in love with me!" He rolls his eyes and presses a sweet and soft kiss to my shoulder."Oh, hey hey hey, it wasn't like that. It was a... mutually satisfying hook-up." We all begin laughing before I cut in, "Honestly I don't understand how you could stand being around her, she's rather dreadful." Marcel laughs, "She wasn't dreadful all the time." Him and Nik chuckle while I grimace.

"So, if Sophie didn't turn to you, her secret vampire lover, in her hour of need, what did she do?" While Marcel shakes his head he says, "She did what any good girl do. She went to her priest. Kieran held a meeting with some of the witches and told them they couldn't do this ritual. The witches were furious with Kieran. Sophie tells me that the witches put a hex on his nephew Sean, made it seem like he was slowly losing his mind in order to distract Kieran while they kept planning for the Harvest." 

I feel Nik tense behind me before he releases his hold on me and turns toward the bar counter, "So they attacked Kieran's nephew." Marcel nods, "Yeah. Kid wasn't the same after that. Ended up going postal, killing all his fellow seminary students. All of them. And then himself." I can tell Nik knows something more about this as his mood drops, "I might have read about that. The boy... killed a twin, or he was a twin, or something."

 "Ah, no, no, no, they said he had a twin sister." Marcel sips his liquor while Nik stares ahead blankly while downing his entire glass. I'll have to question him when we are away from prying ears. "I'm going to use the bathroom, be back." I say pressing a kiss to Niks cheek. As I walk behind Marcel I smack his head onto the bar making his grunt out in pain. I lean into his ear, "Marcel, buddy, how many times to I have to tell you? Stop being a dick to my dear sister Rebekah." He looks at me with a bloody nose before I shashay to the bathroom.

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