Chapter 4

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After the hike in the woods Scott had to get to work and stiles went to do research and Luna went to Leo's as promised had dinner with meet Mr Argent's who was nice asked a lot of questions but was nice. Now luna was currently driving back home form leo's singing Life is a highway. 

"Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
If you're goin' my way
Well, I wanna drive it all night long" 

Luna was just humming the rest of the song when something jumps out in front of the road causing her to move out of the way last second  only to hear a thump and a small whimper.

"O my gosh..O my gosh wh.." luna was repainting over trying not to cry and getting out of the car to check and sees a dog in the road and starts to cry even more walking to touch it and see if it was ok. 

" Hey doggie it ok i am so sorry but i'm going to help you ok its ok" luna says in a soft voice but jumps back when the god growls at her but stats to calm down when she touches the dogs head not realizing the dog was in lesser pain when she touched her head.

" i know it hurts but i have to pick you up so i can help you ok" 

as luna was pick up the dog trying to not to hurt her more when luna got the dog in the front seat of the car she started to drive to the only person she knew could help. 

(at the clinic) 

while scott was getting ready to close the clinic for the night he also needed to clean his bite wound only to see that it was all healed up being a little confused as he walked back he passed the cats who started to freak out by his presence and started to get scared and left the room and hears a frantic knocking at the door.

" Scott...Scotty" 

"Lu..Luna" scott said to himself only to see luna at the front door soaked from the rain with red eye like she's been crying and runs to the door thinking something bad happened.

"luna wh...what are you doing here are you ok what happened". He fired out questions while putting his hands on her face to check to see if she was hurt.

"I..I.. was i hit a dog ..and i didnt know wha.. to do so i came here scotty i hit a dog she came out of nowhere." luna was trying to say in the middle of her crying.

"Hey lu its ok just breathe just tell me where the dog is ok so i can help her" scott  says in a calm voice hugging her trying to get her to breath.

" shh.. shes in my front seat" luna said pointing to her car. 

"ok ill get her go inside your freezing it ok it was an accident" he said putting his hands on her cheeks wiping her tears and rain on her face. 

"ok but be careful ok" luna said quiet and sadness in her voice  holding scotts arm then makes her way to the back scott goes to the passenger side of the car to get the dog opening the door the dog barks at him scott jumps back then leans down to the dog not knowing his eye glowed and the dog calms at the sight.

when scott brings the dog to the back and places her on the table he see luna walking back and forth muttering to herself but stops when she sees scott and the dog but stays back so scott can help the dog.

" so it looks like its just a broken leg and i can put it in a splint on and in a few weeks she'll be fine" he said wrapping the dogs leg.

" so she'll be ok" luna asked walking a little closer to the table but still keeping a distance.

"Ya lu shes ok come here can you pet her so she feels calm while i wrap this for her i think having someone keep calm will help her relax" scott said wanting luna to know that she dog is going to be ok.

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