Chapter 16

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Luna stirred awake at the noise, blinking her eyes to open she looks up to see a bright light while feeling a weight on her hand. Luna looks down to see Noah.

"Papa"Luna said in a whisper.Noah hears luna turning to see she was awake relived he smiles at her trying to not cry seeing her hurt.

"Hey sweetie how do you feel"

"It hurts, what happened" Luna asked trying to smile but winces at the pain.

"You and Jackson were attacked at the video store"

 "Oh my gosh is jackson ok what about lydia, where are they"Luna asked sitting up worried for her friends.

"There ok scared and worried about but ok you"Luna let out a breath of relief before laying down. After a few seconds Luna looked at Noah to see is eyes were red trying to hold his tears.

"I'm ok really,Hungry but ok" Noah let out a laugh while Luna a small giggle. 

"I know but i was so worried that you weren't.."

"But i am really" Luna said taking his had trying ease his worries and to show him that she was fine, both unaware that she was using her powers to calm the worries he was feeling, With a nod noah gave luna a small hug and kiss on the side of her head that want injured.

"Hey sweetheart how you feeling"Melissa asked entering the room, she wanted to check on luna but stayed in the hall when she saw Noah and Luna were talking.

 "I'm ok my head hurts a little, and i'm hungry but other then that i'm ok. "Luna replied once Melissa was next to the her bedside.

"I'll have one of the other nurses get to something for the pain, and maybe i'll have scott or stiles get you something to eat"

"Scott and stiles are here"

"Them and a few other have been waiting outside"

"Can you bring them"

"Lu you need rest"Noah said he wanted Luna to get as much as rest as she could knowing it was a long night for her.

"Papa please just for a little bit"Luna said looking between both adults.

"Uh fine"he replied with a small smile giving luna one last kiss on the head before leaving.

"i'm go glad your ok Sweetheart. "Melissa replied giving Luna's had a small comforting squeeze then following Noah out to the hall.

After they left Luna sat in her hospital bed trying to figure out what happend at the store she then turned to the small table across the room to see a something on the table, She gets out of her bed to get a closer look, just as Luna was about to pick it but the door bursts open.

Luna turn her head to see stiles standing at the door once again out of breath. Luna smiles at him then opening her arms for him to hug her. Stiles rushes to her side, pulling her into a hug lifting her off the floor.

Luna Deam Dea (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now