Chapter 30- Spies

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I was having a nice dream.

That never happens.

I was in the old school. Asleep on a desk in an empty room. Sunlight shone through the windows, and outside a beam of light erupted from apart of the school, shaking the room.

The desk melted away as I stood, eyes open now.

I breathed. I didn't know I wasn't. The cold air welcomed my breath. I didn't know it was cold. I was wearing the loincloth from the alter prison.

Out in the hallway, soldiers marched by. They all wore matching powerful armor.

(It's fashionable to match of course.)

"Send one of our best spies into that compound! We have to find out what's going on. The Rebellion won't rebel if they don't exist."

Wait. I know that voice. The same voice that demanded attention, and had wings before anyone else.


Beside her? Jet.

I thought of Zero and my escape from her.

Oh great, the second in command is after me personally.

"As leader of legion one, my reports on other legions are as follows." She started. She gave a list of legions and tasks.

Just know they were attacking everywhere. The Tree of Life... Starglade... Kaspaya Beach...

"A certain leader by the name given, 25 has captured an enemy unit. He states he's using her for information. We're keeping tabs."

"Good. I'm suspicious if the ones in the lower legions are actually loyal. What's the effects of the magic?"

Jet started to speak, but Sisland held her hand up.

She stopped and turned towards the empty the classroom. A glaring expression morphed on her face.

My empty classroom.

Her wings unfolded and she flapped, sending a gust of wind, and destroying the brick wall that separated the hallway from the classroom.

My eyes widened and I was awake.

"Oops. I'm sorry." Mixi looked down on me. "You were dreaming weren't you?"

"Yea..." I blinked slowly.

"That bed tends to do that. You kind of laid on the one used for spying."

I must have had a stupid look on my face because she explained.

"When you sleep on that bed, there's a connector that links you with one of the cameras. Then, after you connect, it'll pop up on the screen." She gestured towards the screen above my head.

"Oh...So you saw that?"

She nodded. "Looks like we have a new piece of information. The magic."

"What about everything else? 25? Or the attacks?" I sat up as she moved away.

"25 is a spy for us and I already know about the attacks so it's nothing new."

"How recent is this though?"

"It can go back as far as 24 hours." Mixi busied herself in another room. "Anymore questions?"

Before I could answer, alarms blared and a low rumbling shook the hammock I laid on.

"What's happening now?" I shouted over the alarms.

"The prison must be trying to blow us up! Let's go!"

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