Chapter 25- Inside the Alter

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I woke in a haze. It hurts. Everything hurts. Like I'd been thrown into a hole. 

I tried to clear my mind. There's no telling how long I've been here. I was wearing a basic loincloth that hardly came past my knees. 

It feels like it's been forever. 

I remembered what Grrim had said. The gray walls. The dim hanging light over my head. I guessed that I was inside the Alter of Sacrifice. 

In the dim light, I noticed a hole I suspected to be for relieving yourself, but I wasn't going to peek into it. Strangely, there was no smell. 

A wooden plank lay flat bolted to a wall. 

I heard people walking by, but I couldn't tell from which way they were coming from. 

"If they decide to riot, we know each one of their weaknesses. They won't be able to fight with their weapons." The voice whispered. 

I slowed my breathing to hear better. 

"Stay silent. We'll talk more when we get to -" He was cut off. "Hey! Get back into your cell!" 

A yell. Male. A few blows. 

Surprisingly, half of the top of my cell slid open, and a body was thrown in rather unwillingly. 

That would explain a lot...I thought then I shrieked at the thud of a human body.  

It...or he it looked like.. didn't move. 

"Ummm.." I stumbled trying to walk towards the guy. "Are you alive?" 

His face shot up. "Kc?" 

I facepalmed. "Zero?" 


"Are you serious?" I mumbled. 

"Serious about what?" 

I didn't answer. "What did you do?" 

"I got bored. I mean, look at this." He gestured around the room. "And you're lucky. Your hole doesn't smell." 

 I laughed. "Okay. What's it look like out there?"

He stood scratching his head. "Cells. It's weird. Your cell is under the walkway. Mine was hanging from the ceiling, and there's a lot of cells. Like...packed so close together."

I nodded as he continued, but I spaced out. 

"Annnnd I'm talking to myself.." 


He looked really annoyed. 

"What?" I blinked. 

"Nothing. Nothing." He shook his head. 

"Well, okay." With those words, an uncomfortable silence settled over us, and it stayed that way for a while. 

After a while, he started talking again only to be interrupted. The door opened and a blinding light came through. 

"Move him back to his original cell. We can't have two of the same guild in one cage. They might be plotting something." A male voice said.

"No, they won't." A girl appeared. Her short brown hair swayed as she peered down into the hole. 

She spotted me hiding in the shadows. 

"Look. Imbecile children. Afraid of light." She said jumping into the hole. "Girl." 

The sound of boots hitting the floor. She stood much taller than I'd expected. A tag gleamed in the light. 

I didn't say anything. I couldn't say anything. She looked paralysingly strong. She wore full battle armor while I was stuck in a basic loincloth.

"Come, fight me." A smirk appeared and she glanced up at her supporters. "Get me some equipment." 

Faster than I'd expected, a bow and quiver were in my possession adjusting to my size. 

"Promise I won't kill you yet. I'm curious to see what you incoherent prisoners would be able to do." 

They were already carrying Zero away, but lingered out curiosity as if to see what would happen. 

 Jet, the name engraved on the tag, pulled out her orb and it floated into the air, glowing much brighter than the light that sat above. 

I carefully selected an anti-mage arrow, which glowed its familiar green. 

It took all the luck in the world for me to get out alive from any shot. She was probably an Eidolon anyway. 

 Suddenly, Zero came flying back into the hole, and yelled "Shoot!" while landing right on top of Jet.

The captors came flying down into the cramped cell. I unfroze out of shock and fired at Jet.

Zero grabbed my arm and swung a dagger he stole from one of the captors.

"Let's go!" He lifted me and threw me out of my cell, and followed close behind slamming the door.

I landed on my feet surprisingly, and he ran with the sound of those people catching up.

Jet laughed loudly, "They're smarter than I expected! You'll definitely die now!"

"Why didn't I think of this earlier." Zero muttered and disappeared. "If you want to say anything whisper. They can't see us now."

"What?" I huffed for we were still running.

"Invisibility. I'm a rogue. Duh." He glanced at me temporarily before adding. "Throw that bow and arrow. They can see that."

"No. I'd need to make it look like I'm going to that place. Otherwise, they'd know where I am based on the throw." I thought out loud.

"Good point." He nodded slowing our pace. "There's a ledge over there. If we're quiet, we can probably sneak away from them."

"There they are!" They found us.

"No. No. No. No. No. Not now. Not now." Zero muttered running faster.

We made it to the ledge, and I noticed that the invisibility was wearing off. I glanced over the ledge. Dirt and old armor lay below.

"Jump." He nudged me. "I've got this."

"No, you don't. I'm not leaving a fellow guildy behind." I locked in an arrow. "Plus, you're a friend."

He grabbed my arm but held an emotionless facial expression.

"Fine. Thanks for being a friend," He whispered holding me close enough that I could hear both of our heartbeats," but I'd like to be more than friends with you."

Before I could think of anything else, we jumped over the ledge and plummeted to the ground below.

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