Chapter 21- Hero: Merge of the Guilds

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"Dang it! This is hard!" I was breaking a sweat trying to catch a pet. The little guy was running around for his life. 

"Stay still!" I heard Bris yell. "Didn't he say it was easier?!"

"Ugh, this is so much work!" Aly ran towards a bear. The bear ran away from her every single time Aly got close.  

My phone buzzed. 

Air is here. She says something about ShootingStar failing. ~Kyo 

"You guys we need to get back to the house. Air's there and we need her help." I said. 

 Aly sighed. "Thaank you! These evil little..." She muttered under her breath as we exited the beast master. 

"Come again!" Her robotic voice said as we left.

I sighed inwardly. I've been in this world a long time.

Probably a year or so. I used to count the days about how long I've been here, but I ended up losing count between either Day 145 or Day 154.  

 Walking back to the guild house, we passed by Zuzu and Tsukune, who were in line at the dragon wheel. 

"Guys! C'mon!" I called. "Air's at the house saying something about ShootingStar failing." 

"What?!" Zuzu yelled. "We were just about to get to the front!" 

There were three dragon wheels. 

The Green, which had more common things on it like Heroic Wings for upgrading weaker wings. The line for this wheel was long.

The Red one had rare eggs that I'd never seen ever before and Etheral Wings for higher ranked wings. This line was shorter the the line for the Green Dragon Wheel.

The Black Dragon wheel had one or two people there. The things I saw hanging on each slot looked so rare that I didn't even think that I'd ever have a chance to use them.

"You can come back later! Right now though I think we're having a guild meeting!" The last part I didn't yell because they'd already joined the rest of us.

We walked into the guild house to see that Kyo, Zetah and Kc had had a successful time getting pets.

"Looks like hatching eggs is better than what we were attempting to do.." Bris mumbled.

Aly and I laughed at this.

"Oh you're all here!" Air said surprised. "I guess this has turned into an entire guild issue."

"If a guild is failing we're willing to help." I said and everyone nodded. "What's the issue?"

"Umaki struck again.." She mumbled. "He took ShootingStar's guild resources and set off a bomb in their main room. It might've taken a couple of days to repair, but the guild had no money. They started dedicating much of their own money to try to pay for repairs. That hasn't been working out either so I came in request that you take them in and make them apart of FairyTail."

"Well it depends on how many there are." Aly thought for us.

"How many...?" Air tapped her chin in thought. "Well some want to stay and help the guild while others want to leave so about three. Maybe four. I haven't counted yet."

"We may have enough rooms for everyone. Plus the day and night shift switches I think they might fit." I said.

"I hope that there's another guy.I'd like another guy friend." Zu grinned.

"Shh Zu! We'll appreciate whoever we get!" I smacked him on the arm.

A day later we welcomed them to FairyTail.

The first boy that came in looked to be eighteen maybe around Zu's age.

"Alright! A guy my age!" Zu celebrated.

"Son, are you sure about that?" Air teased.

"I'm thirteen." The boy said.

I could feel everyones shock because I was too.

"Too tall to be younger than me.." Kc mumbled to where only the people around her could hear.

I dropped my pizza. My good FOD because I was so surprised.

"What's your name and level please?" Aly blinked smiling. 

"Zero," He said. "I'm a level 52 mortal." 

"Oh okay," Aly nodded politely then shouted to the nearest person. "Kc! Show him to the mortal hall please!" 

Kc sighed making her 'why-me-out-of-everyone' kind of face before getting up and showing him the way. 

 It continued like this throughout the day. More and more people moving into FairyTail. It made me realize how big the guild was growing and all that has happened since Umaki destroyed Aly's room and almost made the guild fail. 

 At the end of the day, the guild count was 81. 


I wanted to cry. In fact, I did, but only a little bit because that's alot of people. 

 Instead, I enjoyed the dinner FOD that Kc, Tsu, and I had created with our new guildies. 

 Hopefully, we can catch them all up to date on what we have done so we can be on our way to The Alter of Sacrifice. 

While I was thinking about this, Defender knocked on the front door. 

"What?" I asked. 

"There's only a matter of time before many of the next batch are eliminated. I can save some of them for you, but not all." 

I nodded. "Do what you can. When we get situated here, then you'll lead us to the Alter." 

He nodded and walked away. 

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