Chapter 23- Raiders Part One

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"Nothing's ever gonna be the same." I said. 

"Not like it used to be." Zetah nodded. 

When Ro walked in, he was a ghost of his former self. He looked much older.

In fact, everyone that came out looked way older than when we'd last seen them.

  I roamed in Starglade watching people be re-united with their lost friends and lovers. 

 Did Defender save all these people? Or are there others helping?

Then I heard a scream followed by a bear roaring. 

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!" A familiar voice said. "Crappy bear won't morph! Grr!"

I found the source of the voice, but I couldn't see who it was so I jogged closer. 

I saw light brown hair moving quickly. "Sell me your g muts people! I need to get that Gorilla Titan." 

I squinted. "Lc?" 

She looked up and around. "Who called me?" 

"Me!" I exclaimed running towards her. 

"Oh hey!" She turned wide-eyed. 

"You're back." 

"Promised I would." She laughed. 

"So, are you going to join FairyTail?" 

"No, CeltiqueS already took me-." She got cut off by a loud explosion.

 Everyone turned to the sound of it. 

A green sword flew through the wedding planner's house, barely missing the couple that was inside. 

"Crap.." Lc muttered. "Not again." She snapped a pair of epic angel lord wings, which were a light gray like a birds, on her back and flew into the air. Lc's orb glowed a bright orange. 

"What's going on?" Hero ran in from out of nowhere. 

"Uhh, I have no idea." I said. "A fight?" 

"In Starglade? No way! It's a safe zone." 

"That's not what Lc is doing." 

We both looked at her. She was standing there. 

"Well I want to fight.." Hero shrugged jumped into the air joining Lc. "Call the guildies!" She said not turning around and I nodded running to the guild house. 

I opened the door, and Zero was standing there. 

"Hey, do you mind if I ask you something?" He asked. 

"No, not now. Where is everyone?" 

"Outside in the back and why not?" 

"Because there's a fight going on and Hero called us to help."

"Fight? Where?" That temporarily distracted him from what he was about to say. 

"Here. In Starglade." I said making my way to the back door. 

"No way! It's a safe zone." He nodded in confirmation. 

"That's what she said. Now, she's up there staring at who knows what." 

"Oh. Okay." He followed behind me. " I can call them over there. Wherever there is.." 

"There is Starglade. Probably the entrance from Glimmering Plains or Windshear Peaks something like that and thanks but no thanks. I'm already here so I might as well." 

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