Chapter 5- Best of the Losers

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"You know they have a school here?" Zetah asked. 

I almost dropped a razorbeak egg. 


"Yeah. I know I said the same thing."

"That means you guys under 18 need to go to school. Nyehehehe." Zuzu said attempting to laugh evily. 

"Well you know, that we just have to go here in Starglade, but everyone over 18 have to go to..uhm.. The tree of life it says here." Said Zetah.

"Nyehehehe," I mimicked Zuzu. "So noone is excempt from this." I grinned.

"That's right everyone," Lc nodded. "and that means that the guild will be split up, so!" She stood up from the table. "That's why I put an alliance with FairyTail."

"Figures," Ro said. "They're pretty big."

"Hey Ro," Jrg asked. "How old are you exactly?"

Ro just sat in his chair. "Sink knows."

We all grew wide-eyed.

"I-I'm too scared to ask him." I said.

 "That's the point." Ro chuckled.

"Yes, that is the point." Sink had somehow showed up behind me.

I thought I was about to die.

"Mini heart-attack much?" Zetah laughed.

"oh. haha. That was not mini." I turned to Sink. "Dude. You seriously have to stop doing that. I could've died."

"Hm." came his reply.

and I know I wasn't the only one feeling the coming from him.

We all walked out of the guild house with chills.

Before we went our seperate ways, I whispered to Lc.

 "Why is he even in our guild?"

"Let's just say that he's silent so he keeps secrets. He scares people so we don't have as many problems as other guilds."

"Huh, Well okay then."

"Anywhoo, See ya later." She winked.  

"Wait. You're not coming with us?" 

"No. I'm guild master I have to plan out some GM kind of stuff for you guys." 

I ran to catch up with Zetah who was already far ahead. 

" is this going to work?" I asked. 

"Well..apparently," She said pointing at the paper she was holding. "We'll be separated into different catergories based on our class and then separated by our levels by range." 

"Noo! You're a rogue so that means you won't be in my class! In fact, I don't think anyone will be." I yelled, causing some other people heading in the same direction to glance at me. 

"I know, but hey we all merge at lunch break, so we'll be able to talk then. AND since we don't have the same class maybe there'll be some creepy person so we'll have different stories to tell. Okay?" 

"Yeah. Okay." We smiled. "but, where exactly is it? I still have no idea where we are going." 

"Actually it's near the beastmaster, so-" Zetah was cut off. 

"Hey there, you're a rogue aren't you?" Some guy had stopped Zetah. He looked like he was about 17 and his eyes were super green. 

"Uhm..Yeah I am." Zetah said. 

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