Chapter 23-Hero: Raiders Part Two

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"Pffft. This is a piece o' cake now." Zu said as he twirled his sword. 

The raiders began dropping like flies.  

"Let me show y'all how it's done." Lc grinned. 

"Shh! Lc, we all have our own ways!" I said as she blasted a simple fireball at a raider in the bushes. 

"Heck yea!" Aly nosedived into the ground then flipped and landed on her feet. "Go! Own ways! Ahhhh!" 

"Aly!" Kyo, Zu, and I screamed. 

She ran into a couple of more challenging looking noobs and beat them with her arrow. "Look at me! I'm a knight!" 

"Yea, and I can be a priest!" I burst into laughter. 

"I call rogue!" Kyo held two arrows in her hand. 

"I guess I'm a ranger then." Zu held his sword dangerously in his hand. "My one and only...lucky arrow!" 

"I'm still a mage..." Lc coughed. "and you guys are nuts." 

"Of course!" Aly said loudly. "We're DairyTail!" 

"DairyTail..?" I blinked at her. 

Unfortunately, everyone heard that and they were looking at us. 

Thankfully though, most went back to defending Starglade. 

"DairyTail huh?" Nameless snorted. "You sell cheese? Cause we're all out in CeltiqueS and I'll buy it for 15s."

"How did I say that..?" Aly mumbled.

I was distracted and barely saw the rain of arrows directed at me.

"We'll figure it out later." I said blasting flames all over the place wondering Did everyone else get crystal essence too? 

The Raiders were getting stronger. I saw a couple if scions fly by attacking other people. 

 We stopped playing around because things were getting serious.

We were getting injuries. Not big ones, but not small either. 

C'mon... we can do this. 

Wind bounced back at me after I fired another explosion close by. 

I could here Zu calling. "Uhh...Hero?" 

"Yea?" I fanned the air. Stupid smoke. 

"You might wanna see this..." He pulled me up into the air above all the smoke. 

I squinted as far as I could see. 

There. Right on the top of a hill there was a girl with long black hair and red glasses. 

We made eye contact and she flew into the air. 

 I shot a fire ball and it barely hit, skimming by hair. 

Words creeped into my mind. matter...hungry.. 

I laughed at the last word. My duplicate must be hungry. 

I thought as I flew higher into the air. I'm hungry.. 

I wanted to try sending something back. 

Hiiiiii! I grinned at my duplicate. 

That didn't seem to phase her because she was still soaring towards me with a blank look. 

Then she stopped. Silence the chatting. 

No way! I want some answers! I made a face. 

Too bad. She..I fired flames in my direction. 

I dodged and fired back. 

Why are you attacking me??? I screamed in my mind. 

A crackly reply came back. I was the ga.....m....ger to cle..o....gam.. of all l...orms.

I grew frustrated with my other's lack of speech.

 I fumbled with words in my own mind though. Like I was learning speech again. 

Ba...ka... I laughed at my own thoughts. I knew that meant idiot, but I didn't know how. 

My other had stopped firing and rammed into me.

Both of us spiraling into the ground below.

We stared at each other before the last pair of words popped into my mind.

Mom's coming home soon. 

She disappeared and left me shocked and falling into the ground.  

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