Chapter 20- Eggs, Scrolls, and The Dragon Wheel

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We only rode back to Starglade because it was hard to hold a teleportation scroll and some other scrolls plus eggs at the same time.

It was much easier to ride a bear back. 

Once we were back to the guild house, we all placed everything in the backyard. 

Carefully laying the eggs on the grass, Defender walked over. 

"These eggs have a hard time hatching." He squatted next to the eggs. 

 "Hey, those look like the eggs from in the vault." Tsukune came over. 

We rarely even saw him now. He only came out of his room to help cook breakfast/ dinner in the morning but other than that, Tsukune just wasn't there. 

 Everyone flinched at the sound of his voice. 

"Tsu! You' ya feeling?" Hero said. 

"Good, I guess." He shrugged it off. 

"Wait." Defender thought out loud. "You have those in your vault?" 

"Umm..Yes? We've been having a hard time trying to cook them so they sit there." Tsukune said. 

Defender smacked his forehead. "You're not supposed to eat them. You're supposed to hatch them." 

"They said that about Chicklar eggs too, but they're still good to eat." 

I'm not gonna lie they were pretty good. We all laughed at this. 

"They're pets not food." Defender sighed. 

"But FOD is good.." Hero pouted. 

"So you're saying that all the meat we eat are actually pets?" Kyo asked. 

"Well the eggs that look like these," He gestured to the eggs on the grass. "are specifically made for hatching as pets." 

"How can that happen?" I asked this time. 

"Don't ask. Just know. Now can someone go get them please?"

 "And you can't get them yourself?" Aly glared. 

 "Umm not really? No guild. House is off limits for non guild members." 

"I knew that. I was testing you." Aly looked away. 

"I can go." I said. 

"Oh and if you have any dragon coins or anything can we get those too?" He asked. 

"Well then we'd all have to go." Kyo mumbled. 

Slowly but surely we grumbled inside, but Hero bound Defender to a tree before that. 

Stuffing all my dragon coins,which were mostly green and red with only a few black ones, in my pockets, I walked to the vault in the kitchen. 

"I never realized how much eggs we had until now." Tsukune said deep from the inside. 

"Kc," I heard Hero call. "I'm gonna need everyone's help on this." 

"That much?" I asked. 

It couldn't be that much. The vault isn't that big as  far as I know. 

"Yea, here take these out there." Hero appeared from deep inside and handed me three eggs. 

"Umm, okay." I said taking the eggs. 

I waddled out of the back door because the eggs were getting heavy. 

"Umm, guys Hero needs out help." I called. 

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