Chapter 4- Turtles at Kaspaya Beach

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"Whoo-Hoo! Beach Day! I'm glad we stayed over at FairyTail yesterday!" I shouted.

"The food.." Zuzu drooled making a nasty slurping sound as he sucked it all back in.

love cooking, but some days I just want to say.. go make your own thing..I get lazy sometimes okay? 

"Yeah, but it's not the same as when Kc makes it." Zetah patted my head. 

 I grinned cheekily. 

"You guys are soo squishy." Zuzu said shaking his head.

" Like YOU can say anything! You and Jrg must have something going on!" Zetah and I laughed.

Zuzu held his hands up. "Hey. I'm straight. I dunno about him over there.." He said gesturing to Jrg. 

Jrg's mouth dropped. "And you would think that I am because..?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Alrighty, guys and gals. That's enough." Lunch was in control because Lc was laughing her tail off. 

 We were on our way to the store to buy bathing suits. We were going to the beach today since , as Lc said, we've all been working hard, and deserve a break. We have to go shopping at the Shore Store, that is right next to the beach, first.

As we arrived at the Shore Store, we split into our two teams, boys and girls. 

There were two parts to the store. Boy's side and Girl's side.

We walked in to find racks upon racks of bathing suits. One thing I like is that there's no such thing as too big or too small. All clothes have an insta-size on how you're shaped.

"Oh, I like that one!" I said pointing at a pale orange frilly two-piece bathing suit. 

"That'll add to your little girl look." Zetah nodded with approval.  

"So..what do you guys think?" Lc stepped out of a changing room.

"Dude," I said shaking my head. "Lunch is going to make you wear a shirt and some shorts." 

"Is that good or bad?" She tilted her head to the side.

"Hmm..Both. You look...freaking amazing! Not trying to be weird or anything, but wow like really." 

She was wearing a red two-piece bikini.

"Zetaaah! Your turn!" I sang. 

"Haha. No. I'll stick to shorts and a shirt." She refused. 

"What!? No! C'mon!" I pleaded. 

"Yeah. It'll be fun. You could find the love of your life on the beach. You never know." said Lc. 

"Nope." She said crossing her arms.

Lc nudged Zetah into the dressing room, and handed her an outfit. "Try it on or I'll freeze you." She said laughing. 

I have no idea if she's joking or not.

I heard a huff behind the curtain. "Fine." 

She stepped out ever so slowly. She was wearing a light blue two-piece that cut straight across the top and bottom, and they had a cross-lace in the back.

"You look amazing!" I smiled. "Lc really knew what would work well for you."

"Thanks." She said.

Lc paid for our clothing. 

All of our phones buzzed at the same time. 

Mass guild text:

Zuzu:Are you guys done yet? The beach is yelling for us!

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