Chapter 23- Raiders Part Three

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"Fire one over there." 


"And over there." 

"Uh huh." I wasn't even attempting to pick up an arrow anymore. 


"Hm?" He turned around. 

"You're a rogue right?" I raised an eyebrow. 

"Yep. Why?" 

"Then you can go kill them. Rangers have terrible close range.." I looked blankly. 

"Oh well.. you rangers have your stupid tidal arrows so it's hard to fight y'all."  

I glared pushing him forwards. "Just go. I'm right behind you anyways." 

As annoying as Zero was, he had some pretty good accuracy, but I felt embarrassed to tell him that for some reason. Probably because rangers are supposed to have good accuracy and I don't have it...or something like that.. 

 I laughed it off. 

"What's so funny?" Zero turned around while holding a stronger looking rogue to the ground.

"Nothing. Nothing. Focus on what you're doing." 

 "You know," He said after killing another raider. "I could use some potions. You got any?" 

"Hmmmmm.." I rummaged through my bag. I had some, but I didn't want to give him any.

"I knooow you have some. You don't really need them anyway. You have self heals and Health Orbs like crazy." 

What's he...been going through my stuff?

I grumpily handed fifty healing potions over. 

He lifted his bag, which was smaller than mine. "See? I literally have nothing in mine." He said while shaking it upside down. 

 And a wrapper fell out for Fantasy Food. It was Fantasy's fast food restaurant. 

We both looked at it. Then at each other. 

"What?" He grinned a weird grin. "Food is food."

"Yea. Food is food." I glared.

"Exactly." He nodded.

"I wasn't finished...FOD is FairyTail." I nodded.

Before he could say anything, we were frozen in place and another round of arrows came from the air.

 I felt goosebumps raise all across my skin and I was getting weaker. 


I looked at Zero, who had already gotten himself halfway out.

The arrows hit us, and hard. So hard, that it broke the ice that held us.

 A tall mage emerged from the shadows. 

 I pulled out a Silencing Arrow. 

This should keep him from attacking a while so Zero can kill him. 

"Wait!" Zero yelled. "He's on our side! Promise." 

"Oh yea," I nodded and continued in a sarcastic tone. "and people on our side, just freeze our own fighters. Like it's cool. Like it's the thing to do."

The mage crossed his dark, tan arms. "She's got a point." 

 I fought off some more raiders as they whispered among each other. 

Though Zero wasn't a master whisperer like pretty much everyone was.

From the sound of things, they were mainly talking about me and some other things, but the conversation was one-sided so who knows. 

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