Chapter 9- Zetah: Nighttime Seng Part One

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Zetah P.O.V

 Lunch would've been so mad if he saw me doing this. I told myself, but another part of me contradicted myself. But he's not here. The other part of me is always contradicting the other. 

He always made us go to bed at around 10:00pm because he didn't want us in nighttime Seng. 

That's where everyone went. I don't know if FairyTail would do the same though. It would be over in a matter of seconds. Maybe minutes if Sisland or Tychandia wasn't there. 

Even without them there, it's pretty intense. 

You fight player versus player,which a common name would be pvp, and you're allowed to player kill, or pk, freely. 

Turning off the light, I snuck out of my room. 

The hall was dark and empty. 

I glanced at Kc's door. 

Should I call her?

After thinking for a minute, I decided to knock. 

"Hmm?" I heard from the other side. She opened the door. "Oh hey, Ehehe.. What's with the armour?" 

"If you didn't know," I said nervously because I didn't know if she'd come along or not. "Well..there's another Seng starting in like.. 20 minutes."

"W-Well..D-Do..Um.. Is it okay is we go? You know I'm still kind of used to Reborn schedule.." Kc said nervously. 

"If you fall asleep, then I'll drag you out." I attempted a smile. 

"Okay. Just let me get ready first." She closed the door, and opened a moment later wearing her armour. "The irony is that I was wondering what people did while on night shift, so I was going to sneak out a while." 

"Hmmm," I looked suspiously. "Kc? Sneak out? Not like you." 

She slouched. "Yeah. I know. Ehehehe.." 

We walked out of the guild house, and to the Battlemaster. 

"Would you like to go to Sengolia Battlegrounds?" He asked. His voice spoke the words that ran through my veins, and I was ready. 

"Get off your mount," I said listening to my voice fill with the familiar excitement. "No mounts aloud."

 The Battlemaster teleported us. 

When I had entered, I was on the demon team. Wait, where's Kc? I tried to think, but the excitement was overwhelming. 

 Delerium was beside me. He nodded slightly.

I look up to him, because he's a rogue like me. 

An electric field blocked us on the Demon team from getting to the crystal on the Spirit's team. 

I waited, not talking to anyone because I was ready to battle. 

I glanced around, saw Bris fixing her bow, and walked over. 

"Hey Bris, what are you doing here?" I asked. 

"Oh hey, sometimes I just go to night Seng because I can't sleep. Most everyone in guild does the same." She tested the string before tuning it again. 

I watched for a moment then asked if I could hold it. 

"I can never figure out how you guys do it." I tried pulling the string back, but it didn't get very far. 

"I can't fight with two hands. It seems too weird," She held my daggers in her hand. "I'm so used to reaching behind me for an arrow."

"I stole Kc's bow a couple of times whenever she cooked dinner back in Reborn. I could never get any further than this." I laughed handing her back her bow. 

"We're starting in exactly three minutes!" Delerium shouted to us.

He received a bunch of cheers about how the Demon team rules, and that the Spirit team is going down.

"Do you know who's on our team?" I asked.

 "Hmm. Let me think.. Oh yea. I saw Hero, Kyo, and some other people from the night shift." Bris shrugged. 

 "Why do they even do the night shift?" I scrunched my nose. 

"I..don't know. Just the way things were when I came to FairyTail." Bris shrugged again. 

 "Oh wait.. I've never heard your story." 

"Do you know Asule?" She asked.

I nodded briefly. 

"I was kicked out of Sumerians because Asule apparently decided the guild was O-V-E-R. I was in Blessed Bath and Solara and a lot of others invited me. I chose to be in Fairytail. I think I was around level 35-36. Something like that."

Blessed Bath is a place where you gain experience points from getting hit. In this case, by Athenian lightning. You can only sneak in there twice before the teleporter notices you from before. 

"Hey kiddos," Airilia waved towards us. "How's it hangin'?" 

"Waiting. The endless torture of this." I hung my head back letting loose a loud sigh. 

Solara poked her head out from behind Airilia. "Ugh. Tell me about it. I'm ready to PK some people." 

The people on the Demon team started to chant and shout.

"Ehehe.. Just in time." Solara smirked getting into position.

I felt the tension and the excitement in the air.

It's starting. I told myself exhaling slowly.

Clicking my daggers into place, I prepared my stealth. 

The exciting thing about stealth is that I can be invisible until I attack or get hit. 

"5! 4! 3! 2! 1!" The blue electric field that blocked us disappeared.

 Night Seng has begun.


I hope this is good. Ehehe.. It's hard doing other people's point of views because I really don't think like them. O.o I don't think so anyway. :P


How was it? Should I do more like this? O.O

Vote? maybe a little comment on the side ehehe.. :D


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