Chapter 3- The Card

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Ugh. Not again. I had bumped into the table for like the fifth time knocking over something. 

I was...


We were (as in The Guildies) and I were at the FairyTail Guild house. 


 Like a Mansion. 

But like 10 times bigger. 

 "Don't worry about it." Hero said. "The maids will get it."

"Maids!?" Zetah was shocked. 

"Yeah. You guys don't have maids?" Zelzo, one of the FairyTail guildies, asked like we all just have maids lying around. 

We all just sat in their..I suppose you could say casual room. 

There was a big table in the middle of the white room, and we are lying on black couches. 

Something about the place seemed very familiar, but I couldn't figure it out. 

 "and Who's Guild Master over here..? I'd like to speak with him or..her.." LC asked. 

It sounded more like a demand, but meh.. 

"Illi is." Hero replied. "But She's out at the moment." 

i-l-l-i Illi. 

"and right now Hero's taking charge around here!" Zelzo smiled. He looked dreamily at Hero, and sighed. 

If I wasn't at an enourmous Mansion, I would've thrown up. 

 "Ugghh..I think I might throw up..." Zetah whispered. 

"You totally read my mind." I whispered back. 

"Uhm..anyway." Hero directed her attention back to us. "The reason I've called you all here is because we may have a lead on how the card could work." 

She pulled out the same shiny card with the turtle on it given to us a week ago.

"Kyones, sat on the card on accident, and it started glowing a bit, but only for a second then it just stopped." She sighed. "I guess we're back at square one again." 

"Why didn't she step on it longer?" Ro asked. He flipped his hair for dramatic effect. 

"Well.." Hero started. 

"You try stepping on it, and stop critisizing Hime!" Zelzo blurted. 

"Hime..?" I asked

"Yes Hime. Means Princess."

"Oh.." Something about the word seemed oddly I'd heard a song about it, but thinking about it made my head hurt really bad.

"I'll do it," Zuzu raised his hand. "Haven't been doing much all week anyway. You got a big empty room?" 

"Have you seen the house on the outside? Uhh. Yeah. Plenty." Hero said. "You just might want to watch out for some of the other members. They can get...grouchy sometimes." 

 They both got up. 

"You guys aren't coming..?" Zuzu asked. 

"Meh. I guess I'll go." I said getting up too. 

"Me too." Zetah said standing. 

Zuzu swung his head around. "Anyone else..?" 

Everyone grumbled as they got up. 

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