Chapter 16- Explanations

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I came through the sliding door that lead to the guild rooms. I walked into my room and placed the crystal essence under a pile of clothes in the dresser. 

Why am I hiding these? I thought as I tucked them away. 

I slowly walked to the center of the partying thinking about how I was going to explain this.

I hoped it wouldn't ruin the party or anything.

"Kc!" Kyo screamed over the loud music.

"Hi Kyo!" I yelled back.

She looked pleased that I'd recognized her among the room full of people and went back to talking to some guy.

I was about to ask her where Hero was, but she looked really into the conversation so I didn't.

But I did have an idea of where she was.

The kitchen. Either making another batch of 'FOD' or eating it.

Sure enough when I entered the kitchen she was cooking more.

"Hey Kc! We were looking for you." She said as she chopped up a chicklar.

"Me? For what?" I crunched up my face.

"Well I kinda burned the wings. Just a little bit though. I needed you to make another batch please."

"Uhh sure." I nodded fetching my apron from my rack.

"What'd you step out for?" She said making small talk.

"I just stepped out for a sec and it lasted longer than I thought. I did see something though." I said from the vault. I was now fetching more fresh chicklar meat from the back. 

"Really? What?" Hero had stopped slicing meats to look at me for further information.

"More like who. I saw Defender and he gave me some weird information."

 "Like what?" She said, wide-eyed.

"Like how we're getting off track of what we're supposed to do and stuff like that. I didn't know what he was talking about though."

"Don't worry about it." She shook her head.

Okay I nodded.


I pushed the fresh wings onto the table and was about to go back outside when Air stopped me.

"Kc, where are you going?" She looked worried.

"Just to my room Ma." I smiled.

"You're not going to stay out here?"

 I shook my head.

"Well okay..." Her voice trailed off.

I walked into my room I didn't bother turning the light on because I knew what I was about to do was going to require darkness. I reached on the dresser and picked up the mirror Defender had given me.

While I was looking at my stats, I tried to make it full screen.

I slid a finger across and the frame lit up my room with eerie mechanical lighting. It looked different than when you turned the light on.

There was a knock on the door and I jumped.

"Kc.." Ma was on the other side. "I know you didn't eat anything so I'm coming in.."

I don't know why, but I hid the mirror under my bed facedown so that she wouldn't see.

I acted like I was just laying down staring at the ceiling.

"Are you sure you're okay?" She carried a plate over.

"I'm fine. Thanks Ma." I said taking the plate.

"I'll sit right here until you finish." She plopped on my bed and watched me eat.

When I finally convinced her that I was full, she took my half-eaten plate and walked out.

I pulled the mirror out again. My eyes adjusted to its light.

I then remembered that Zetah was still outside and that I might as well show her what I'd tried.

I slowly closed the door to my room. When I was just about to exit the back door, someone said "Sneaking out I see."

I turned to see Zuzu standing there. "What?" I shrugged. "I'm just gonna be on the porch. Besides, Zetah is there."

"I won't say anything." My brother laughed.

"Okay..." I turned to the door again. Opening it, but there was something missing.

Zetah had vanished. 



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