Chapter 7- Information Station

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"Well..Let's see..where do we start?" Hero tapped her chin thoughfully. 

Before anyone could say anything, the door swung open. 

"Aw man. Oopsies. Sorry guys," A girl stood shaking herself clean of ash. 

"What happened?" Hero tilted her head. 

"Well I was training in the Caverns and out of no where comes this big use flame glob thing." The girl shaped her hands like a giant  blob. "It was all like Bllaggh, and well you know me not really as fast as you guys, but fast enough to get away..Pheew. Barely made it."  She plopped down on the floor. 

"Hmm.. wonder what that was about." Jrg mumbled. 

 "These guys are joinging FairyTaaaiil!" Aly gestured towards us. 

We all waved awkwardly. 

 "Oh yea. Well um.. I'm Bris." The girl waved. She wore a ponytail with brown pulled back hair behind her ears.

She looked only a couple of levels ahead of me, but we didn't have the same type of armour. 

 "Well...are we gonna just sit here, and be all awkward, or are we gonna tell them?" Power said walking back into the room. 

"It is pretty awkward.." I said nodding. 

"That doesn't help at all." Zuzu said shaking his head. 

"Yes it does." I said reassuringly.


"Nothing." I huffed back. 

"Aww, you guys are soo cute," Airilia said grinning. "I'm going to adopt you two! Let's see your sisters would be Aly and Solara." Then she started talking about all of the stuff she was going to do with her new children.  

"I just have one question," Solara spoke. "Where were you? You missed dinner!"

"I was in Seng." He replied simply. 

 "When you should've been here. No wonder you're so skinny." Solara huffed at him.

"Are they married or something?" I asked.

"Yep." Hero responded to me.

"You know...we keep getting distracted from our main point here..We need to tell them about our finds.." Kingdom spoke interupting all conversation.

"Right." Hero agreed nodding.

We sat there for a moment in complete silence.

"Well uhh..we have pets." Kyonnes coughed quietly.

"Oh yeah," Aly said thoughtfully. "It'd be a lot easier if I showed you." She stood up gesturing for us to stand up also.


"Wh-What in the world is that?" I stared. 

"A Golem." Aly nodded proudly from the top. 

 "How did you get it?" Zetah asked tilting her head sideways because it was so large. 

"I don't..know." Aly squinted. 

The Golem was too tall for a height measurement, but it had two seats on its shoulders. 

"How do you ...get up there?" Jrg asked.

"Okay. Okay watch." She shouted. 

Then suddenly it was back in card form. 

Placing it on the ground, and hovering her foot right above the card, Aly asked, "It can hold up to two people. Anyone wanna join?" She grinned. 

Zuzu stepped forwards. "I guess."

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