Chapter 9- Zetah: Nighttime Seng Part Three

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Zetah P.O.V

I ran out of the gate, as fast as I could. Immediately activating my stealth, running to the right. 

Most people run the straight path to the other teams crystal, but I like the side paths because most of the weak players take that road. 

I saw a boy standing in shaky knight armour.

He looked afraid, and held his guard up pretty good.

 I crouched low, and saw that my stealth was wearing off, so I activated it again.

He saw me briefly, because he was staring at the spot I had once been.

"St-st-st-Stay Back!" He pointed his sword in front of him backing towards a nearby tree.

I smirked as he tried to think of things to say. Charging forward, I pk'ed him in an instant. 

"Zetah!" I heard a familiar cry.

I turned to see Kc pulling back two arrows at once.

I jumped back, the arrows barely hitting me.

"I'll give you credit," I shouted. "That wasn't too bad!"

Activating Stealth mode once more, I threw a rock at a nearby bush, expecting her to turn that way.

It didn't work.

"If the rock hit right there..then.." She traced the path of the rock that led to me, and shot.

I caught a flaming arrow with both daggers, before charging again.

"Try this!" I swung my daggers around, and a soon as I went to strike, a sword blocked my attack.

I looked to see a set of deep blue eyes, and black hair.

"Woah." I said right before he killed me.

I started all the way back from the beginning.

I sighed. I'm gonna kill him so hard. I gritted my teeth. 

I ran back to that exact location where I'd been previously. 

The same guy was guarding Kc. She looked slightly annoyed of his presence. 

He saw me, and charged. 

This time I was ready for him. I activated stealth, and barely dodged his swing. 

I kicked him in the side, causing him to go down.

 Swinging my daggers around to form a make-shift sword, I killed him.

"Let's finish what we started!" Kc pulled back arrow after arrow, which I dodged with precision. 

One eventually hit me in the shoulder, and slowed down my movement speed for a bit, but it wore off in time for me to hit her.

"Dang it! i still have a long way to go." Kc muttered before I killed her.

I felt a little bad killing a friend and guild member, but she started it not me.

Running to the end of the path that led back to the main path, I recognized Hero.

"Ugh, You're so annoying!" She blasted what looked like Zelzo with a Flame Explosion that almost killed him.

 "I won't attack you because we're destined to be together!" He held his arms out.

She hit him one more time. "Get away from me!" 

 This time he couldn't heal fast enough, and died. 

Bris showed up behind me, pulling back a plain arrow. 

"You're just going to shoot a plain one?" I asked. Following the point of the arrow, I saw a priest girl hiding behind a tree, and healing herself. 

Bris smirked "Wait and see." She let it go, and it glowed a deep blue that soon produced an enormous tidal wave. 

 The priest girl shrieked, and put up a force field around herself just in time. 

"That was a magic move wasn't it?" 

Bris nodded pulling back another arrow. 

"As soon as you fire, I'll be right behind your arrow. Okay?" I activated stealth. 

She let it go, and a small flame grew on the tip. The further it went the bigger it got. 

I followed close behind it. 

The girl froze it mid-air and it shattered into the ground. 

Running around the remains, I attacked. 


Two slices. One kill. 

"Move outta the way weakling!" Sisland yelled. Her blindingly bright wings glittered. 

Delerium smirked. "The Demon team will win." He flew into the air, and stealthed. 

Those two, being the only ones with wings, everyone watched to see how it would all play out. 

Sisland pulled back an arrow, while listening. 

No sound. 

Then all of a sudden, Delerium came out of nowhere taking his daggers and knocking Sisland's bow out of her hands. 

She gritted her teeth, and dove down to get it while Delerium followed close behind. 

Before it touched the ground, she caught it, turned around and shot him in his left shoulder.

The wind coming off of her wings was overbearing. I protected my face, and I was slowly sliding backwards. I could feel the ground moving to support the weight being pressured to it.

Delerium yelled in pain. Taking one dagger he charged and swung, scratching Sisland before she fired another arrow.  

This time it exploded in his face killing him. 

"Spirits! On wards!" Sisland commanded them to charge. 

A few strong looking guys ran by me before one killed me. 

When I re-spawned again, there were spirit team members spawn killing. 

Kyo shot at a few.

"These guys are hard to kill!" Kyo shouted. 

I died over and over again, and each time I watched helplessly as our teams crystal grew smaller and smaller until it shattered to the ground. 

The Spirit's won. 

I teleported outside of the Battlegrounds. I felt myself glowing. I spiral of orange light lifted me temporarily from the ground. 

"Congratulations!" Aly clapped. "Nice job on leveling!"

Hero wooted. 

"What are we clapping for?" Kc asked. She had just teleported outside. 

"Zetah leveled up." Bris pointed. 

"Grats!" She laughed. 

"Thanks everyone!" I smiled. 

We walked back to the FairyTail guild silently, thinking to ourselves. 

"Hey, Wait!" We all turned to see Airilia running towards us. 

"What is it?" Hero asked. 

"I can't find Solara." Airilia was panting. 


Teehee! :D Cut off here. XD I thought i would be a good place to stop. XD and by the way.. I have no idea why I put these little authors notes here. ._. I could stop if I wanted to...


Maybe.. Some day. lol oh yea and Next P.O.V goes to Hero! XD 


Same thing with the voting and commenting XD


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