Chapter 12- Proper Party Preparations

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"You're getting married." I blinked at him.

"Yep." Came his reply. 


I didn't know what to say, and it took a while for me to make up something to say. It didn't really bother me because Lc and Lunch got married at 16. 

"Well, what does that have to do with you not being on the guild list?"

"We're making our own guild together." 

"You'll have to announce it to the guild." Aly nodded. 

As soon as Hero came back, she heard the news and rejoiced. 

"Oh my gosh! We need to throw a party or something! Gah! I'm so excited now!" 

"Hey Hero, why don't you get married then?" Zetah glanced grinning slyly. 

She blinked twice wearing a blank expression. "But anyway," 

Hero, Aly, Kyo,Zetah and Bris sat in a circle and started to make a list of things we'd have at this party. 

I just sat on the outside listening.

"Should we buy some outfits for this wedding?" 

 "Megh, Then we'd have to find a matching color or something." 

"No we don't. As long as the bride and groom either match or look extremely cute we should be fine!" 

"Okay, where would we go?" 

"Somewhere where they sell suits for Jrg." 

"Hmm.. we could go to an auto fit shop." 


" in Starglade where else?" 

"No too cheap. Probably one of those rich stores at The Tree of Life." 

"So, shopping tomorrow then?" 

After a couple of minutes of them murmuring and us standing around silently, all three of them nodded at the same time standing. 

"It's planned!" They sang together laughing. 

 It was a little after noon maybe 1:30pm so we chattered away about what could, would, and should happen at Jrg's wedding.

"Maybe another relationship will blossom." Kyo winked and mumbled something about Zuzu and Hero. Zetah giggled along with her.

Zuzu looked with a straight face as if he were hiding something.

Is he.. a Hero fan?

I know that he knew her before we joined FairyTail. I sat quietly thinking and watching everyone else.

"Oh, Jrg I forgot to ask. Who's the lucky lady?" I wiggled my eye brows.

"Lover." He grinned.

Classic Name. Then it hit me. So that's who Zuzu was talking about in Night Seng the other day.

"Lover's Boy.."

So they must have been dating for some time now.

"I've heard of her. She's a umm.. Rogue I think." Bris squinted in thought.

Jrg nodded.

 The next day Jrg announced his marriage to the guild and we set out to buy ourselves some clothes. 

Unfortunatley, we dragged the guys along, who looked extremely miserable and bored. 

We teleported to The Tree of Life. 

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