Chapter 22- The Boys are Back

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It was a boring day. I was training alone.

I'd accidentally out leveled Bris because Hero wouldn't let me tell the new guildies about stuff. Well it was more like I didn't watch to teach them what I knew.

"Kc! You can teach them a class! Since there's so many of them!" She said excitedly. 

"No." I said in a flat tone. I kind of felt bad for saying it so I added. "It's because I don't know them. I'm only just getting used to you guys anyway." 

"Oh. Well, whenever you're ready we could use some hands." She said walking away. 

"Wait! Do they know alot?" 

"They know about pets, mounts, and wings. Is there anything else?" 

I shook my head. 

I'd grown to level 52 because of my boredom. 

I should've taught that class. I thought as I ran for the last time in the dungeon. 

The bosses to kill in dungeons re-spawned faster than on the outside. 

 The first boss Midknight appeared. His sword and shield appeared shortly after and the skeleton roared. 

I'd killed him plenty of times before but he moved differently every time. I had to figure out a new strategy. 

I pulled back a tidal arrow and fired. 

Except it didn't push him back. It just made him..wet. 

That didn't work. I thought. 

I ran towards the edge of the square that made up the dungeon. It was surrounded by boiling blood. 

Not lava but blood. You could smell it. 

That's how the dungeon got its name. 

Blood Coliseum. 

Junivar, which is what I named my angel, rubbed against my wings. 

"What are you doing?" I asked. 

No use. Junivar just looked at me with her long eyes staring. 

Midknight roared swinging his sword and Junivar jumped.

I jumped too but I didn't fall into the blood around the place I flew. 

Come on self. Duh. Wings. 

I had Pristine Ultimate Fire Wings. Basically, three small wings on each side that were pink.

 Junivar flew in front of Midknight. 

"Move!" I yelled trying to get a good shot. 

Then she attacked me. 

I growled shooting her with an arrow as discipline. 

When it was about to hit her, she dodged at the lest second and the arrow hit Midknight right in the eye..well where I eye was anyway. 

But this made the boss monster angry and he swung his sword at me. 

I flew out of the way to see that the sword was following me.


With quick thinking, I flew towards Midknight. When he reached up to grab me, I closed my wings and dived straight down the backside of him. His sword dropped down and stabbed through his head and the bone of the boss turned to dust.  

From Bonefletcher, Apothecar, and the Final boss Vicelot I killed them all with ease using Junivar as help. 

When I teleported out, Zero was waiting. 

"What're you here for?" I asked. 

"Took ya long enough." He mumbled then added. "There are more people coming to guild and they want your help again."

"Oh. Tell them I decline."

"Why? You obviously look bored. Might as well."

"I don't do good teaching people." I mumbled walking away signaling an end to the conversation, but he kept talking.

"Why? You taught Zetah about Seng didn't you?"

 I stopped walking. "How did you know about that?" 

It was forever ago. Back when we were in Reborn. 

"She told me." 

"I'll go back to meet the people coming, but I'm not teaching any classes." 

"Fine. Suit yourself." 

We walked back to the guild house chatting. 

Mostly him talking and me answering out of politeness. 



"Grrim?" I said wide-eyed. 

"The one and only." He laughed. 

Grrim was older than all of us. He never told how long he'd been here but then again we never asked. 

"Where've you been?" Zetah asked from the pillow fort. 

"Well there I was with Pauly training right?" 

We nodded while gathering around him. Grrim could do that. Tell amazing stories. 

"And then what happened?" Zetah said sounding really into the story.

"Well..." He started. "I rebirthed to an eido first and Pauly was there to say grats. You know, then outta nowhere this guy is like 'I need your help.' It was an old guy. About like 70 something. So me, being as nice as I can be, said yes." 

"Wait. Where is Pauly?" Zu asked. 

"He couldn't bear with the fact that Lc and Lunch were gone so he said that he was going to stay there and keep the guild up." 

We gasped. 

"By himself?" I murmured. 

"It appears to be that way.." Grrim turned his head away, deep in thought. 

"Anyway!" Zu laughed. "On with the story!" 

"Right!" Grrim laughed too. "The old guy said he needed us up at the Alter of Sacrifice and we were both like.. sure! Then.. we were jumped. It was so..." He cursed under his breath. "I hate to be so useless... Gray walls everywhere." 

I glanced at Zetah because she shot up in suprise. 

"Who did you see there?" She asked. 

We all turned our heads towards her. 

"You can't see anyone. Just listen..." Grrim closed his eyes."You can hear people talking to others. You see gray. One dull light hanging from the ceiling. You're alone in a room with no windows. No doors. That made me wonder how I got there..." 

"How'd you survive in there then? No FOD? No Water?" Bris raised an eyebrow. 

"FOD?" Grrim made a face. "What is that?" 

"It's how we say food here." Hero explained. 

"Ohhhh. Okay and uhh there was always food in the morning. They give a little bread and water at first then they get nice and add like oranges and stuff." 

"Then how did you get out?" Zero squinted at Grrim as if he was interogating him. 

"How?" Grrim thought. "You're little buddy Defender. He won't come inside though. He got all paranoid whenever I asked him to." 

"He's not in guild Grrim. He's a helper I should say." Hero said. 

"Oh well I've got him to thank. He knows the inside and out of that place. Should send him back to get more people." Grrim nodded towards where Defender usually was standing near the door. 

"Who else did he get?" I asked leaning forward. 

"Me, Pauly, Jrg, and some others were with me. I don't really know that much other people." 

Then Ro walked in. 

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