Chapter 27- Hero: Shadows

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"What  do you want Umaki?" I hissed. 

"I appreciate the friendly welcome." He smiled an utterly disgusting smile. 

Kyo and Aly waited for my call to shoot. 

"I only wanted to burn down the worthless guild that is has become. I'm surprised it's still in decent shape, but it was better before you kicked me." He glared. 

"You know nothing about guilds." I glanced down at all my injured guildies. They filled the main street. Some more injured than others. He was the one who injured them. 

 "I'll be quick, so don't worry. There's only one person I'm here for," He gave a dark laugh." A very specific person.." 

I silently gave a countdown to Aly and Kyo. "Whoever they are," 3...2.."they don't want you." 

....1. "So leave." 

Aly's bow let loose a loud crackling after letting go for holding the arrow in place for so long. Both Kyo and her arrows met and exploded. 

Umaki was fast for some reason. He flew off the roof and came after me. 

He swung his staff, but ran into a wall of flames. 

"I didn't do that!" I shouted. 

 "Uhh, we triggered the defense system!" Kyo's voice cracked nervously. 

Umaki was getting up. He began to charge, and I flew higher. 

I glanced down at Aly desperately shutting off the system. 

Umaki was slowing down. Kyo had an arrow locked on his trial. 

I started to throw flame balls. He blocked a majority of them with his staff, and he still held the annoying smirk on his face. 

The flames were getting weaker.  My mana was running out. He was pissing me off. 

He wants me...well then he'll get me. 

My wings dissolved, and I began to nose dive. 

300 ft.. 200.. I flipped to falling foot first. 100... 

I swung my leg as hard as I could and kicked, spinning as my foot made contact with his face. 

I watched as Umaki started to hurdle towards the ground. 

Kyo shot him with another arrow to stop him, but it didn't look like he was moving. 

Aly triumphantly put a boot in his back, and laughed. "Another day, another victory!" 

"Oh wait, is he actually dead?" Kyo grabbed her arrow out of him. 

"I don't know, but let's loot him!" I landed laughing, and quickly reached inside his pockets. 

I felt something in his pocket. 

Glasses..They were red. 

I instantly remembered the battle with my clone. She had red glasses and black hair instead of pink glasses and brown hair. 

"Hey, that's weird..." Kyo picked up the glasses. "They're just like yours except red..and they aren't cracked like yours." 

"What?" I took them off, only to see that I can't see without them. 

"Hero..." Aly glanced at me wearing Umaki's preist coat. 

"What are you doing?" I laughed. 

She flipped a strand of hair after finishing a spin. "Marry me." She said in a deep tone. 

"No." I said with a blank face. 

"Oh, c'mon. I was doing it right wasn't I?" Aly grinned. 

"Yea! Remember the ti-" Kyo started. 

"No, I don't!" I said remembering my other guildies in the streets. "Now, let's help our fellow guildies." 

"Shall I summon...him?" Aly said in a jealous tone, still using that deep voice. 

I couldn't keep a straight face. "Who are you talking about?" 

"I think she's-" Aly cut Kyo off. 

"HE!" She gestured at his cloak. 

"HE is talking about Zu! And stop cutting me off!" Kyo huffed playfully.

"That's what we came here for, so go ahead." 

 I busied myself to helping the guildies recover until Aly came back. 

 I'd forgetten about the other me so quickly, and that battle with Umaki seemed easier than I expected. 

Feeling the glasses in my pocket, I took them out. They were folding, and it cut my skin. 

I threw it on the ground, startled. 

What's going on? 

They smoked, or at least they looked like they were until I looked closer. 

A shadow. 

My orb glowed as I charged an attack. 

"Hero..." I heard Kyo call out, but I was too busy focused on this thing to pay much attention. 

It lunged at me, and I fired.

The only way that I could know where it was, was by the shadow. 

It dodged my attack, but I singed part of them. 

Was it the other me? I stopped for split second before its shadow lunged towards me again. 

I barely had the time to react before it hit me. Hard. 

It felt as if I was looking at everything like a huge TV. 

"What's..." I could barely hear myself. I was ...paralyzed?

No. I've been stunned before, but it didn't feel like this. Not like this. 

"Hero...?" I could see and hear Kyo, but I couldn't muster the strength to speak. I couldn't feel anything either. 

I could hear Kyo calling Aly. 

 Her voice came out muffled. "We need to get...whoever we can." 

Where is everyone? I thought to myself. 

I couldn't say anything, and I could feel myself becoming limp. 

Suddenly, I felt myself stand. I was shocked, but I couldn't express it. 

"I'm fine.." My voice came out like gargling gravel. 

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