Chapter 9- Nighttime Seng Part Two

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As soon as I teleported into the Battleground, I couldn't find Zetah anywhere. 

That could only mean one thing. 

She's on the other team. 

Looking at our flag, I knew I was on the Spirit team. 

Remembering what Bris had told me from today, I sat and started to tune my bow string. 

Other people lower levels than me, asked what I was doing, and after I told them, some even joined my circle. 

"Long time no see." A shadow appeared behind me. 

I turned to see Defender standing there. 

Oh. That guy. 

"Yea. Last time I talked to you was...umm.." I thought for a moment. 

"Well.. I don't know, but hey nice seeing you again." He waved before walking away again. 

I nodded. 

"Kc," Zuzu showed up with Jrg. "Who was that?"

They both eyed me suspiciously.  

"Some guy I met like two weeks ago." I said flatly. 

"Right." Jrg stretched out the word. " Sure. Sure. Just a 'friend' right?" 

"I didn't even say friend." 

"Besides you can't say anything," Zuzu shrugged. "Lover's Boy." 

"Ohh. I see now," I raised my  eye-brows. "It's not me that has a boyfriend, but you, who has a girlfriend." 

Jrg glared at both of us giving an I'll get both of you for this. kind-of look before walking off to prepare for the soon beginning Seng. 

 I smirked. Shaking my head, and went back to tuning my bow. 

Sisland was saying something about how we could beat the demon team, but I wasn't really paying attention. 

"-more experience than the losers obviously," She was yelling at someone, who was probably new to Seng. "We're starting in three minutes, so pay attention."

I would look up to her if she wasn't so mean to those lower level than her, which was pretty much everyone.

 Afterall, she is a ranger like me. 

I sighed finally stretching my bow to the right length. 

Gazing out into the familiar field, an electric red field blocked our exit. 

I'm getting tired. 

I forced myself to stay awake, so that I could experience my first night Seng. 

I looked around and saw Sink leaning against a back wall. He nodded towards my direction. 

I was too tired to be scared, so I nodded briefly back before turning around again. 

This is the longest three minutes of my life. 

I let loose a sigh. 

Before long, Sisland started counting down. 

Others joined in, but they were few. 

I held one hand on my quiver, and the other on my bow, getting ready to fire at anyone within range. 

If I didn't get player killed first anyway. 

Before I knew it, the field was open, and Night Seng had begun. 


Ehehe.. See.. well.. I wanted to get both sides in there :P soo.. Kind of a repeat. lol 

DEFENDER is back. -.- lol 

The action really starts like the next chapter. :D :D soo....wait. D: 


You know the drill. lol Voting. Commenting. :P :P 



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