Chapter 3

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"You're going to be King of the Pirates? Also, a sorcerer isn't even a thing! You are both out of your minds!" Zoro exclaimed in disbelief. "It's not? Oh... Well I'm making it a thing!" (Y/n) said with a thumbs up, earning a scowl from the male. "Do you even know what a Pirate King is?" Zoro asked Luffy since he kinda gave up with (Y/n)'s logic.

"King of the Pirates means King of the Pirates! How can it mean anything other than that?" Luffy asked calmy, earning confused looks from the Marines. "Yeah, when he first told me, it was quite shocking, along with witnessing (Y/n)'s abilities... But, he's completely serious! That's how he is, I suppose... Cuz, he actually has every intention of becoming King of the Pirates! Along with obtaining the ultimate treasure, the One Piece!" Koby added in happily.

"How come Luffy gets all the praise! I'm here too~!" (Y/n) complained, wanting some attention as well. "Oh right! I had no clue you could stop bullets like that! That was so cool!" Luffy praised with a proud smile. "Awe~! Thanks, Luffy, see, why can't you be like him, and compliment me?" (Y/n) said as she hugged Luffy, accidentally putting his face into her breasts, causing him to blush deeply.

When (Y/n) finally released Luffy, he tumbled about with hearts in his eyes. "Oh, Luffy, what's with the swords?" (Y/n) asked him, oblivious to his love-struck state. "H-Huh?... OH! Right! Here Zoro, just what I promised you! There's three, I couldn't tell which was yours, so I just took all of them!" Luffy exclaimed after snapping out of his daze.

"All of them belong to me" Zoro stated plainly, earning a confused look from (Y/n). "You carry around 3 swords? What for?" She asked curiously. "I use Santōryū, the Three Sword Style" Zoro answered her, as she hummed in understanding, "sounds stupid" (Y/n) casually said causing a large tickmark on Zoro's forehead.

"Hm... Take them already! Just know that if you fight with me now, you'll be a government-defying villain! So it's either that or you're left out here. Killed by the Marines execution-style" Luffy stated, giving Zoro zero ultimatum in the deal. "What are you? The son of the devil? It doesn't matter, because if I don't choose your side, I'll just end up dead on these sticks" Zoro said with a smile.

"So... Is that a yes?" (Y/n) asked, not really understanding Zoro's riddle. "OF COURSE IT'S A YES, ARE YOU DUMB?!" Zoro exclaimed with a glare, who didn't seem affected by his yelling. "HAHA!! So you're finally going to join my crew!! (Y/n), we're getting another crew member!! This is the best day ever!!!" Luffy exclaimed happily and did a little happy dance.

"WILL YOU QUIT CELEBRATING ALREADY, AND GET THESE ROPES OFF ME?!" Zoro exclaimed, quickly pushing his anger towards Luffy. In the background, the Marines are muttering about (Y/n)'s powers, frightened by her ability, despite only seeing a sliver of it.

"That woman isn't a normal human... And that straw hat seems to be different as well... They must've eaten one of those Devil Fruits that we heard all those rumors about" Captain Morgan explained, making his comrades more afraid. "The Devil Fruits, those who eat them are said to gain extraordinary otherworldly abilities. The power to breathe fire, the power to cause Tsunamis! Rumors persist that there are many times of these fruits, but next to nothing is known about them. It's said that the secrets to them lie somewhere in the Grand Line" Captain Morgan informed, while (Y/n) eavesdropped.

"There's no question about it! The woman just showed us her devil power!" Captain Morgan guessed while the said woman is watching Luffy struggle with ropes. "Come on, hurry! (Y/n), can't you help a little?" Koby asked with a distressed look. "Hm... I guess I can keep them distracted for a while ~! Is that alright... Captain?" (Y/n) asked with a teasing smirk.

"Huh? Oh, sure!! I'd love to watch you kick some butt!!" Luffy said while blushing at the fact that she called him Captain. "No time to watch! Hurry up and get these off!!" Zoro exclaimed worriedly. "It doesn't matter what abilities they have, all who oppose me are executed!" Captain Morgan exclaimed angirly.

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