Incorrect Quotes

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A/n: I've been a bit busy as of late, so here's some fun incorrect quotes for the time being!

(Y/n): "I can't take this anymore! Someone needs to take me out!

Sanji: "I can take you out~" He said while holding up a rose

Zoro: "I can also take you out," He says while unsheathing his sword

(Y/n): "Guys... I meant outside"


Luffy: "What's a thot?"

(Y/n): Smirking evilly

(Y/n): "It means, thoughtful person"


Sanji: "Here's your food, eat up"

Luffy: "Thanks Sanji! You're such a thot!"

(Y/n): Chuckling loudly


(Y/n): "Why are you smiling?"

Mahito: "No reason... No reason at all"



(Y/n): "I only got 4 hours of sleep last night..."

Megumi: "Whereas I slept through the whole day! What's the difference?"

Both: "Nothing"

(Y/n): "I'm still fucking tired"

Megumi: "I don't even know why I woke up"

Satoru: "Well move over, losers! Because I got the perfect, recommended amount of 8 hours of sleep! And I am... Also tired"

(Y/n): "What?!"

Megumi: "No wonder you're always late"


Sukuna: "I wish I wasn't so lonely-- Wait, no I do-"

(Y/n): "Awe~! Why didn't you say so? I can help you"

Sukuna: "I do-"

(Y/n): "We can have you go talk to people, get friends, become a better person..."

Sukuna: "I rather no-"

(Y/n): "You can even date someone! Isn't that cute?"

Sukuna: "No, shut up"


(Y/n): "I was taught to never lie"

(Y/n): Takes a deep inhale

(Y/n): "You're the ugliest person I ever met"

Satoru: "Wh- But I'm related to you! Who even taught you this?!"

Suguru chuckling evilly in the background


Yuji: "I want ice cream!"

Satoru: "What's the magic word?"

Sukuna: "else ro maerc eci gnikcuf eht su eviG"

Satoru: "What the fuACK-?!"


Luffy: "Hey, did you guys know, that 10 + 10 and 11 + 11 equal the same thing?"

Zoro: "That doesn't sound right..."

Nami: "No, Luffy, 10 + 10 equals 20, and 11 + 11 equals-- Wait a minute"

Luffy: "Wait, it does? (Y/n), you didn't tell me that!"

(Y/n): Grinning from ear to ear


Sanji: "Hey, moss-head, you push the door when it says push, not pull!"

Zoro: "Shut up! I knew that! I was just challenging myself!

Luffy: "Wait, really? You should've said so hours ago! Let me try!"

Sanji & Zoro: "No!"


(Y/n): "Hey, Sukuna, I know your hair is pink and all, but I didn't know you love the color"

Sukuna: "I'm right behind you"

(Y/n): "Wait, then who's this?"

Doflamingo: "Yo"


(Y/n): "The food is too hot, I can't eat it"

Sanji: "You're always hot and I always want to eat you~"

(Y/n): Fake blushes with a shy chuckle

Sanji: Winks at her while holding a rose

Zoro and Usopp: "Will you keep flirting with (Y/n) every second?!"


(Y/n): Accidently ate something really spicey so her eyes starts to water

Zoro and Sanji: Immediately rush over to her

Zoro: "Where are you hurt?! Who hurt you?!"

Sanji: "There there, my beautiful princess, we're here for you~"

(Y/n): Confused as hell and just wants some god damn water


(Y/n): "I love you~"

Usopp: "T-Thanks!"

Nami: "Same..."

Sanji: Cries "I love you too~!"

Zoro: "Sure, whatever"

Sukuna: "Can I get a refund?"


(Y/n): "Can I copy the homework?"

Yuta: "I-! can help you with it!"

Maki: "Yeah, sure"

Megumi: "Bold of you to assume I did the homework"

Toge: "Bonito flakes"


Panda & Nobara: Left her on read


(Y/n): "Hey, Suki~! I got a new job for you!"

Sukuna: "Just say it quickly, I'm not in the mood"

(Y/n): "Ok... Youllbebabysittingmybrotherbye!"

Sukuna: "..."

Sukuna: "Get back you little shit-"


Nami: "Why are you covered in blood?"

(Y/n): "It's not mine"

Sanji: Exhaled a sigh of relief

Zoro: "Oh, then everything is all good"

Nami: "Wh- No it's not!"


(Y/n): "Guys, we lost someone important today..."

Yuji: "Really? Who?"

(Y/n): "My poor brother"

Megumi: "Oh, can I go back to bed now?"


Yuji: "Oh! He's alive! Welcome back Sensei!"

Megumi: "I was happy for about 0.5 seconds..."

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