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What the hell is this? Why did I go there at all...- Speed sat in his car and started the engine. He moved with cars squeel And turned to highway. Sequently speeding and swearing aloud he passed about 20 miles, angry, hurt, furious...until he saw the blue lights flashing right behind him .
Nooo... Not this. Come on.
The Police car overtook and the screen 'Follow me' appeared.
He sighed and turned to the nearest alley.
- do not get out of the car and prepare your license, Sir.
Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!
He did so. 
The young officer came and showed his badge saying ' did you notice the speed limit'?
-yeah, i know. Let's get over IT quickly, ok?
He nodded, took his documents and left for the car to check.
Speed was sitting with his head on the wheel.
- Speedle? - There came a question.
- Hi, Wilkes. - the patrol officer saw him few days ago about the case. Shit.
- hurrying somewhere?
- yeah, back to my daughter. The  babysitter called. - he lied smoothly. Wilkes was a fresh dad and Speed thought that maybe this could help to finish this thing as quickly as possible
- yeah I know IT well. Wait.
He went to Police car and there was a quick discussion between the two officers. tHen he came with the documents and alcotester.
- lets skip it this time , but I need a blow - he passed him the tester.
- sure. - Speed blew the tester and IT showed clean.
-ok. Go. But no hurry, be good boy.
- thanks, Wilkes. I didnt need another problem
- tHen keep to the signs. It's the last time, understand?
- Yeah. - Speed moved and after another  3 miles turned into gas station. Stopped at the parking and bought a bottle of sparkling Water. Standing there in cold evening air of Miami he realized he did exactly what Zorian told him he would do. Maybe she's right? And that was all his fault....
He went back to the station and took few jars with baby food and - after a while- a bunch of flowers and wbite wine
When he finally came home, cookies down and calm, Calleigh was walking nervously with the baby in her arms.
- Where the hell have you been Tim????? I was worried to death.
-Cal, It's ok. I went to buy Ava some food, and Had a short adventure with patrol Police...
-oh. - she said- great, Tim. Good job.
- What?? Why are you saying this?
-  I thought something happened to you!
- Calleigh, you're exagerrating a bit... Come on.
THen he took his daughter, sleeping in Calleighs arms and put her to bed in her room. When he came back, Calleigh was looking thru the window.
-hey, thank you for Being with her.
- no problem. Gotta go.
She turned around,  quickly heading to the door. Speed stopped her in the aisle.
- Hey, Cal don't be.....Calleigh??? What's wrong? You're crying? What's happening?
He bowed down to look her into the face.
- oh stop IT. you know I already saw you dead!!?? Lying somewhere??! Its been almost four hours, Tim, and the session is 50 mins. Plus 10 mins of commuting... What were you thinking, huh? Leaving for so long , me and Ava! You're an ass Speedle!
Tim stood in such a shock that couldn't say a Word. Finally took her Hand and pulled her with him to the bathroom. Sat her down on the bathtube edge and took some cotton pads. Cal was still crying, not even looking at him.
- lets get you right Duquesne. All your make up is ruined- he said
Cleaning her face with the warm watered pads. - there you are. You're even more beautiful without IT - He smiled gently.
tHen he took her back to the room and sat her on the couch.
- Calleigh, don't be mad. You've got right to be, I should have called. Sorry.
THen in the kitchen  he took the bunch from the paper bag opened the wine and poured a glass for her.  Entered the room and approached.
- Thank you. These are for you for thinking of me, as a real friend. And here's the wine you like, I'll later call a taxi for you.
She looked surprised.
- Thank you. You neednt have to.
- but I wanted. You deserved better ones, had no opportunity to find them close here.
She sipped the wine.
- I needed this... How was the session?
- don't mention. Hard. After I left I thought I'll never come back there. But after a while I decided to think its over. how was my girl?
- she was fine. Didnt cry much, didnt crash the nappy, so fine. ATE and went to sleep after a short rocking.
- see? You made IT. Thanks.
- you don't want any? She asked pouring herself some more wine.
-Nah, Avie's home, I shouldn't. But help yourself.
- what kind of guy lets a girl pour wine herself?
-Sorry- he took the bottle- im an ass as some pretty girl once told me.
They were talkin for over an hour, not rushing as they both were starting at midday the next day. When AVa woke up Speed went to check on her, FED her and changed the nappy.
Coming back to the room he saw Calleigh sleeping at the couch.
- Cal, wake up. -hey shook her gently- but with no response. He smiled and brought a pillow and blanket  to cover her. When he was covering her, he remembered how he did the same for Courtney many times, especially when pregnant. He shook his head to throw the picture away. That life was already gone.
He touched Calleigh's soft hair, thrown over the pillow, and with a smile went to bed.

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