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-And? Courtney waited at the doorway
- I'm fucking suspended. Happy? He passed her quickly shutting the door with a loud bang.
-Come on...why should I be?
-Sorry. He sat with a plump sound.- I'm disappointed I guess. Let's see What I can help You with.
-Ava is asleep. Let's have some coffee and talk.
-What to talk? I'm gonna sit at home and do Nothing for couple of days at best. No news.
-You can help me at home and I can take your shift.
-Yeah sure... You're gonna work nights and days and me sit at home... Great
What a husband I AM...
-One and only -Courtney smiled at him Dont worry. We'll manage.
Getting up at night to change Ava's diaper and feeding her afterwards he couldn't sort IT out in his head.  He didn't feel guilty about it but angry with the situation. Only when she started crying he realized he was completely off, not paying any attention at her.
-Come on, Let's get You laid,babe.
He put her into a crib and then took some beer as he couldn't fall asleep easily. He was thinking about his life now, beautiful but complicated. He loved them both with all his heart but wished his life would be as easy as IT was 2 years ago. He wouldn't ever consider leaving them but felt his life flowing thru his fingers. When he was suspended before, he used to live with Delko next door and as they both waited for a suspention end, they used to spend their time having fun or sleeping, lack of money was not so striking- they simply ATE chinese food and drank water then. Didn't have to worry about nappies or formula...
-Tim! He woke up suddenly as Court shook his arm.- I need to go. Feed her at 7 and please, no more drinking. She looked at him annoyed
-Come on. Just one beer.
-Yeah. Which made You sleep on the couch again...
-Leave IT Court, don't start again he raised his voice
-Don't shout, you'll wake her up . they suddenly heard cooing from the bedroom
.-..Great. I need to go. Go and see her.
She kissed his cheek and left.
He was completely unconscious. But entered the room and saw the baby moving a bit. A bit of shake will do.
It did well. She fell asleep soon after and he went to the bathroom
Gee... 5 oclock.
He opened the cabinet to find Advil.
IT couldn't have been one beer with a headache like that- the thought crossed his mind. Took a pill and left to make some coffee.
Coffee didn't help much. Neither did Advil. Looking for another one in the cabinet he found a bottle od Adderall far behind other bottles. Looked it carefully and shook his head. But Yeah he thought- one pill will prevent sleepiness... So he took one and left. Ava woke up Just after 6,while he was doing the housework. He felt the effects of Adderall almost at once. The energy and feeling good that came with IT was nice. He fed the baby and cleaned up the house. Yeah. He felt a bit guilty, but who cares?
He entered the bathroom and took the bottle of Adderall hiding it carefully on his closet. After all IT was prescribed for him.
When Courtney came back he was sleeping, so was Ava. That's What he didn't like in the drug- the feeling of exhaustion that came a bit after.
-Do You remember we have the doctor's visits in three days?
-Yeah. Maybe we could skip the formula at last.
I Hope so too. She can eat veggies and fruit at her age, can't she -Court smiled.
She had no shift the day after so they spent a nice evening at home, watching Movies and eating pizza. Tim ATE only one piece but she found IT normal,whenever he was stressed. She promised herself to check IT afterwards.
What was nice on his staying at home, that he was more relaxed and cheerful but also sleepy at times. As we both Are- she thought. Also their nights became quite nice, which didn't happen often these days.
Two days later they were heading home after the docs visit.
Tim was driving quite fast as she had her shift later. The good news was that there's at last end of the formula time, starting the era of baby food cans and jars. They were quite happy and relaxed.
-Tim slow down, there's no need to rush like that- she asked him
-Hmm? He asked like if he hadn't heard her.
-Slow down. Please.
He did as he approached the crossroad, turning right and stopping at the traffic lights as IT was Red.
All she remembered afterwards, peeping into a side mirror , was a truck behind them approaching too fast.
-Go on !go on ! Move! She shouted but Tim didn't know What was happening. Then she heard a loud bang and felt a hit. Their car moved forward and was hit again hard, from the leftside corner. She only managed to look back and see her daughter in the seat, crying. Then nothing.

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