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- come on. Don't do that Ava - she was kicking and screaming while he was trying to put her into the stroller. Finally he managed and put some things into it, also something to drink and some snacks.
Arriving at the playground there were quite a lot of children, mostly like Ava, but all with mothers or caretakers. He realized the kids had toys for playing in the sand, and were all dressed in shorts or t-shirts,sandals.
Ava was dressed in leggings and sweatshirt , socjs and sneakers and so was he.
Taking her out from the stroller he pushed her gently to the sand, where the group of people was playing. She stood there, watching them carefully, but not even moved.
- socializing's difficult? He heard a voice of somebody behind him.
He saw a woman of about 60+, smiling at him.
-yeah I guess... Im here for the first time.
- visiting?
He didnt know what to say.
- yep. She never goes to the playground.
- so I see... you're from NY?
- kind of...but how..?
- my son in law is a newyorker,you sound similar ;) and the girl has too warm clothes for Miami. Next time take her some summer clothes.
Mark! He shouted immediately which scared him- dont you dare to hit her with the shovel! The boy of about 4  yrs turned around and she smiled - my daughter just got back to work, shes a nurse so she works shifts...it's so difficult to raise children like that, so I help her.
- Nice of you. I also work shifts. Today is my nightshift so I took her here.
- Oh...so you work here in Miami then ?
- Yeah.
- it must be tiring to work and raise a child. Does your wife work?
- im divorced actually.
- oh... sorry.
- dont bother, no problem. I have some help of a wonderful old lady with her. I just realized baby needs to see the other children sometimes
-she surely does. She looked at Ava still standing at the side of the sandpit. - maybe at the beginning you should take her somewhere where there are lots of people, for her to get used to .
- you're probably right, thank you. He smiled and looked at his daughter.
- its ok. Im Emma. I come here with my grandson everyday. If you want to I could show you some other places around.
- thank you Emma, its kind of you. I work such problematic hours I never  know when Im free.
- do you take your girl only on free days?
- you mean here?
- no, from her mom
- Ava lives with me.
- oops, sorry. Didnt want to offend you.
- you didnt, dont worry. Now we have to go, but I hope to see you here some other day.
- yes me too. So see you...?
-...Tim. Im Tim.
- so see you Tim. Bye Ava.
Tim took Ava up,  trying to place her in the stroller- she did the same thing as before. Of course all the mums looked at him with a grim.
He was fighting with Ava, when he heard Emma's voice - take here on foot, by the hand. So he did, pushing the stroller with one hand, and Ava's hand in the other. He smiled lightly with gratitude and vanished around the corner.
OMG...that was exhausting. He could work long hours dealing with the smallest evidence, work in the field with the worst dead bodies or watch scene that would make people vomit for looong hours. But taking a baby to the playground was almost unreachable. He deciced to do it more often to get used to. When they came back he fed her, lied her down and fell asleep himself.
When Maria came later she saw the stroller, lots of sand, left dishes on the table, baby clothes on the floor she smiled because she realized what has just happened. She cleaned up the mess a bit, made some coffee and woke up Speed
- what time is it? He mumbled
- high time to wake up - she smiled.
He looked at his sleeping daughter and left for the kitchen.
- you neednt have to clean it up Maria- he sighed... we were just so tired after coming back...
- im sure you were, especially if you were dressed like that in the heat.
- i dont have many beach clothes for her He said quietly.
- Leave me some money. ILL take her shopping later, buy something suitable.
- Thank you, youre an angel.
He took a quick shower, changed gis clothes and went to work.
Maria smiled at the stroller he finally bought. Then when Ava woke up she put her into it without any problems and went to the closest shopping mall where she bought 2 pairs of shorts, 3 colourful tshirts an a summer dress. A suncap and also a pair of crocs. She also took some suncream and after a moment of hestitation - a sand playset. She changed Ava into blue shorts and red teeshirt , green cap and crocs.
It took her about 2 hours, altogether with the evening walk to reach the CSI building where she called Speed and ask him out for a moment.
He was downstairs immediately, with Eric behind him. HE looked at his colourful daugher with horrified face. Eric laughed, took Ava out of the stroller and said- now you look like a Miami girl, not the gloomy Addams family baby .
Speed looked at Maria with raised eyebrows - you did it on purpose, didnt you?
She smiled and said - I could also buy everything pink, mind you.
Or you could do it yoursef - she laughed
- no-  no after the playground advebture..he took Ava from d
-I need to get back to work princess, but you look really pretty
He kissed her and waved goodbye.
Maria left and Speed entered the building. It was pretty obvious people saw the scene and were simply making fun of him
- dont you have something to do?
They turned around.
He entered trace lab smiling.
She surely looked adorably

When he came back home early morning, he also noticed other items Maria bought, altogether with sand toys. Sleeping Ava looked tired.
He took off his clothes and went to sleep at once.
At 8 Ava was still sleeping. He entered the kitchen and saw Maria.
- yyy...sorry I didnt know youre still here. I"ll dress myself and come back ok?
After 5 minutes he came in his shorts and tshirt.
- she's still sleeping...
- yes,she's tired. First your playground then a walk,even with the stroller... that how it should be. If she starts playing with kids, you'll be able to sit and drink coffee or even read...there are also playground pools for kids, you can also take her to the beach, to catch some sun.
- and that's it? The secret?
-yes. There are no much daddies there but you are not a social type, so book will do.
-Thanks...It appears im still learning...now I see why the girl in the store looked at me that way - first stroller for 15 mths old girl...he shook his head.
- you'll find peace in it, and it will be much easier to raise her. Night shift today?
-Yeah. Last one this week. Could you...?
- yes. I'LL also take her out.
-thanks. Oh- she's awake... bye Maria, thanks for the shopping.
- No problem Tim.
He ate something and went off the terrace to sit and think. It's not so hard be a single parent if somebody gives you some hints. He also thouht that first time he was ready to listen to them without feeling of being criticised. That was surely dr Zorian's work bit also the patience of Maria. He felt grateful to have her close.
Looking into the fridge he noticed that food is an an end so he decided to do some shopping
Put Ava into a stroller( no kicking this time) and went to the nearest mall. Shopping went smooth, he even managed to sit for a while, and buy her a small ice cream.
Then she fell asleep in the stroller so he entered the house qiuetly and left her sleeping there. He sat, made himself some coffee and took a book.
She woke up late, ate her soup and played on the floor while he did some laundry and food for them for tomorrow. When Maria came Ava was bathed and sitting in her chair.
-wow she smiled looking around.
- yeah... If I knew a stroller can be so useful...
- now buy yourself a playpen, put some toys inside and you will see it will be a lot easier.
Working till late night on a complicated case didnt cause him any trouble, he was relaxed and less tense. As he was to see dr Zorian today he had to leave earlier.
Delko dropped him outside the building.
-Hey, dr. Zorian.
- Hi Tim. Do sit down
She closed the door behind him

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