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Courtney opened her eyes for the sound of voices.
-Hey, lady do You hear me? Look at me- she barely saw a young man bending over her
-She's being taken care of. Don't worry.
She couldn't remember What happened. She remembered looking at the baby last, then nothing special. Black hole.
-Can You slightly move your left leg?
IT was all pain.
-Ok stop. Guys we need to cut , sorry.
She saw firefighters nodding and leaving in a hurry. She wanted to move her head to look around but realized she was stuck in some kinda installation. Couldn't understand why.
-What happened?-she asked the man
-You had an accident. Somebody hit you. Was this your daughter at the back?
-D..aughter? At the back?
-Yeah, little girl.
Now she remembered. The baby at the back. Last thing she looked at before... Before the hit.
-I...I don't know... I don't know...
-It's ok. Have You got any papers?
-I don't know.
-It's ok. I will look for them when we take You out the car. The car was smashed from the left and You were pressed into the traffic lights poll. Its ok. You will be ok. I want You to stay awake ok? Talk to me, ok? You Are the only person I can communicate with right now.
-What's wrong with me....
-Probably your leg is Broken and You got the head trauma. But its not that bad.
-I cant remember anything...
-I know. Don't force that. IT will pass.
Now. Remember your name?
-Remember where to or with whom You were travelling?
-No... No. What about the baby?
She's a bit bloodied and scared as well but You had a Great car seat which protected her. Do You remember her name?
-Ok. Do You remember anything about the accident?
-Just...turning around at the baby at the back..
Courtney started crying.
-Come on... What's going on... I want...I want...
-Shush... Don't cry.- The young man was rubbing her cheek gently- IT will be fine. Do You remember anything else?
-No...- She looked around as much as the collar let her. -Was I driving?
-No. But it's ok. We're gonna take You out now. Don't be scared IT will be loud for a while.
Then she heard an awful noise. And suddenly she was let loosely. The pain almost took her breath. She was put on the cart. Her eyes noticed -for a short while - the woman who was holding a baby in her arms, baby was crying- then Alive, Thank God.
There were 4 ambulance vehicles, one was leaving the exact moment, no signals. The other one was screaming with lights and sounds. She couldn't move, everything hurt her. There was the guy again with saddened face.
-Don't fall asleep Courtney. -He was holding a grey envelope she somehow reminded, maybe she saw IT before??!! Courtney?
-Wait! How did You call me?
-Courtney. That's your name, I found papers in the car locker. And Yeah the little girl is your daughter, Ava. Rings a bell?
-Not at all... Really?
-Is she ok?
-Looks that way. Don't worry. Just try to stay awake. I need to Leave You now.
-No. Please don't Leave. Don't.
-Its ok. Someone else will take care of You now, ok?- He wrote sth on a piece of paper and stuck IT to her clothes.
-Every thing will be alright, Courtney.
We luckily have your medical data Thanks to this - he waved the envelope. -Take care.
He left and Courtney started to shake a bit. As if she was cold. But it was a beginning of stress disorder she was entering.
-Hello, Courtney said the lady above her. -You ok? Here, let me Give You a warm blanket. Oh, don't cry dear... Don't cry... It's ok. It's ok.
But Courtney couldn't stop the tears running down her face. She still felt anxious and shaky.
-How's she? She heard the n.
-Very excited and anxious.
Somebody held a torch straight into her eyes.
-Ok. Time for medications.
-Yes doctor.
She felt warmth in her body and then fell asleep.

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