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Calleigh opened the door with the key entering his house. - Tim?!?
After two weeks have passed she was entering the house with mixed feelings.
She could not resist meeting him although IT was different,totally different He was on a sick leave so staying at home, and those moment he was completely available were rare.
Sex now was completely connected with baby's sleeping times, as Calleigh was stressed Ava's going to wcale up any moment. Tim was too keen on getting to the end to stand up the very same minute Ava started to cry, but Calleigh was stressed when she Heard her.
Sitting in the bar one night with- the girls she told them about IT and they said that -as all of them had kids- its normal and people get used to IT but it wasnt easy at all. She truly wondered if she should break up with Tim but  IT was really hard.
She had to admit they got deeper and deeper into IT, he was very passionate and waking up next to him was nice, especially he was at home so they had plenty of occasions.
She didnt feel the whole 'kid thing. '
Tim didnt engage her into Ava's matters, he was fully daddy but still found time to make Calleigh feel good.
She also knew that when he comes back to work there will be a time issue.
Meanwhile she pretended to be ok with the situation.
Until this monday, the day she opened his door to see Andre sitting on the couch.
They both looked at each other surprised.
-How did you get in?
-I have a key. You?-
-yes me too.
After sipping coffee in silence there came Tim with sleeping Ava, also very surprised.
When Calleigh took her from him and lay her down on the crib he said- Cal, me and Andre need to talk. Ok?
- Yes. Call you later. - she was happy she can leave this house.

Yeah. We are together. Sorry you found out this way.
-I wouldnt if you had told me Tim.
- I know. i just didnt know how.
- I thought we were friends.
- we are. But...you know. The situation is difficult.
- how long?
- A bit after Courtney left me.
- you love her?
- well she hurt me. She...
-I meant Calleigh.

- no. We are goodfriends and
- Yeah.However awful IT sounds.
- is she fond od Ava?
- Not really. We do not plan a family together Andre. We are both lonely.
- So you got into someones bed just after your wife disappeared?
- ok. Sorry I have no right...
- you do. You took care of me and my baby in need. I consider you a friend.
- so fucking me would also  be ok I guess?
-What!!?? Why are you like this?
-Im... Disappointed with you Tim.
I do not support what Courtney did.
I think she hurt you and I always had faith in you when I Heard accusations.  But... I dont understand.
- I know. I... Me and Calleigh... IT was always sth between US. Since we started working together. We were together as a couple twice and always finished IT. We are not a couple. You may believe me or not but my daughter is the most important to me now. Really. I guess Cal doesnt feel like mom so IT will finish soon as Ill always choose Av.
- Really?
- yeah. Always. Without hestitation. And Im sorry I disappointed you. Really. Youre the last person I want to hurt.
She sat down and sighed.
-Sorry. I overreacted, I cant be like that. Its awful. I actually came to offer some help.
-I know youre coming back to work soon.
-How will you cope with Ava?
-I will work shorter hours. And find a babysitter.
-Oh. That wont be easy.
-Dont you think I dont  know that, Andre? -Tim said raising his voice- I do. But I need to earn money for both of US. Many parents raise kids Alone. I will manage.
-I know. I didnt want to hurt your feelings. Really. I wanted....we talked- me and Alex.... We are going to visit my friend in Orlando. We thought...
We thought we could take Ava with us,with Jamie, and give you 10 days to fix things up Here.
-Why what?
-You saw me, with Calleigh. You do not approve it. Youre mad but still want to help me?
-You deserve IT. Im mad, yeah, but have to cool down a bit. Youre adult, Single. I have no intention to teach you. So...what say you?
- well that's very generous of you...will Alex take her if he gets to know I..
- he wont know. I dont think he needs that knowledge right now. Im gonna stay at the hotel and if you agree- take Av tomorrow. We'll be back in 10 days.
-Hotel? Why? Cant you stay Here? It's not that dirty afterall. And the bedroom is free, I didnt....didnt sleep there since... Since Courtney left.
- I thought you...you know.
- no. I couldnt...sleep there with another woman. So if IT isn't a problem you can stay there, Ill give you clean linen.
- that will be fine. Where do you sleep?
-in Av's room,when Im ...Alone.
She often wakes up crying.
- ok.
Two hours later when Ava, bathed and fed, finally asleep he sat with Andre in front of TV
- what bites you Tim? she asked handing him beer.
- I dont know. That I will be bad dad, fail her. That I failed Courtney. You.
And myself. That I wont handle.
- you will. You will be a great loving father. But now- goodnight. Im so tired. See you tomorrow.

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