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-Lt Caine?
-Yeah? Speaking.
-Im calling from Miami General. We've got a person called in after the traffic accident. the papers state she's your employee. Would You be so Kind and confirm that?
-If I only can...yes. who are we talking about?
-Courtney...Courtney Speedle?
--Yeah she's my employee. What happened?
-Sorry we cannot Give any information without family permission... Could You Give US aby address ot telephone to her family member?
-Can't she do IT? Horatio got irritated
-She's Under medications but There's nobody at the corridor, waiting. I'm Just a receptionist sir.
-I'm sorry. Yes. She works here. She's got a husband and a daughter. What happened -was she hit by a car?
-There was a baby submitted to Memorial too...hold a moment.
After few minutes, while Horatio was thinking why the hell Speed isn't looking for them, she spoke again.
-Yeah. There was a girl called in too. A toddler of the same name.
-And a man?
-Uhm...no. Nobody of the name and no John doe.
-Oh...Horatio sighed. I'll try to call the husband and let him know ok?
He put the phone down and decided to call Speed. No answer at home, nor the cell. Pager was out.
-Calleigh..I need to Leave for a while.
-Something happened ?
-Courtney's at hospital with the girl after the road accident. And I can't Reach Speed. So I'm gonna go there ok
-Yeah. Let US know
Reaching the hospital Horatio thought that IT would be a good idea to ask Courtney where she left Speed before the accident.
-Hello my name's Caine. Someone Just called about Courtney Speedle.
-Yeah IT was my colleague. Hello.
-Yes. Can I speak to the doctor?
-You family?
-Yeah. I'0m in her medical files. - That was partially true but Horatio wasn't going to explain that to the lady.
-First floor. Doctor Brown
Horatio entered the docs room 5 mins later.
-Yeah. She's been submitted after the car accident. Head trauma and a Broken leg, we still don't know if there's no internal bleeding... And a memory loss
-Memory loss?
-Temporary. Will pass with time.
-And the girl? Ava?
-Paediatrics knows more. Any relatives of mrs. Speedle-?
-Husband- I can't actually located him. A brother in NY. I'll call him.
-Thank You.
Running into peadiatrics Horatio felt a sting of anxiety.something was not right.
-Hello. I'm here for Ava Speedle.
-Hello. Yeah. Follow me.
Horatio saw Ava in bed, sleeping.
Her head was bandaged and there was a plaster on her leg, toes to hip.
-How's she?
-Sedated. Not too bad. But she needs someone here.
-I cannot be here unfortunately and her ma is up on the ward.
-And dad?
-Hmm. I can't find him, I don't understand.. Will she be ok?
-Yeah. Her hair will grow fast as we had to cut them a bit to put stitches.
Where the hell are You Speed???? Horatio thought - and what happened...he realized there's a place he will get more info. Took off his cell.
-Frank? Its me. I need to find an officer who assisted the road accident few hours back...Yeah... In the center earlier today....woman and a baby. I'll hold thanks
He got the name 10 mins later and asked the officer to meet him outside the station
-Hi officer Radcliffe. We're You at the scene?
-Yes lieutenant-the guy was young and nervous. There was an accident. A grey Nissan- I wouldn't guess that, believe me. IT was squeezed between a lorry and traffic lights pole.
-Ok. There was the woman right? Taken to hospital.
-Yeah. And a girl.
-How hard was she hit? From her side?
-no the car was hit from the driver's seat. She was the passenger.
Horatio got pale. He now realized something he didn't even thought of.
-She wasn't driving?
-No as I said- she was the passenger. The young guy frowned. - There was a man driving. I didn't pay much attention as there was a lot to do and fire brigade took over.
-Was he taken to hospital?
-I don't know... I saw they couldn't open the car's door, then stopped looking. There were three ambulance vehs, but sorry, no idea.
-Who could tell me sth more?
-Wait... He took out his notebook. Look for Tom Marshall, he's a paramedic.
-Thanks. Do You remember if the driver was conscious?
-I'd rather think he'd be lucky if he was Alive - the officer smiled
-This guy is my friend - Horatio said nervously.
-I'm sorry I didn't know.
-I know. But You shouldn't talk like that about anyone. Thanks.
When Horatio sat in his car to go back to Miami General to Ask about Marshall, he wished he'd heard something more positive. His heart rate was so high he had to take few deep breaths first.
-Tom Marshall?
-Yeah. -The young man with tired eyes stood up.
-Lt. Caine.- He shook his hand-. Id like to Ask about the accident earlier today. Woman man and a baby.
-The woman with amnesia? Courtney?
-Yeah. However I'd like to Ask about the man. The driver.
-As far as I know it wasn't his fault, the accident.
-I don't know. They are my friends. I'm looking for them
-Lady and the girl are here.
-I know. And Tim?
-Try the Jackson Memorial. Or...
-Or What?
The man looked Horatio straight into face.
- .... Or the morgue.
Horatio sat. Then he took out the cell.
- Alexx?? Are You at work? No? Ok Thanks, nothing important. Bye.
Oh god. Please no.

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