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-Come on love, come on.... Why dont you sleep a bit?
He was rocking her almost an hour now, after changing the nappy and feeding her he was hoping she could sleep a bit. No way. Toothing...yeah. how long will IT take? Courtney would know what to do...
' I'm a hopeless daddy, love. - He rubbed some of dental gel into her gums. Then He sat on the floor. Lay her down in front of him. Took the blanket and wrapped her tight in IT. Then took her close again. Soother didnt help as well , but loud screams  changed into usual crying.
He felt physical pain looking at his daughter's sad face. He moved some of the hair out of her sweat head.
-Hush love, hush. I got you. Sleep.
She finally got quiet and Tim would love to get her to his bed and sleep a while, but was afraid she would wake up. Instead he moved closer to the wall and fell asleep himself.

Andre couldnt sleep.
She woke up at the sound of baby crying and wanted to see what's happening but then decided not to interfere.
She however couldnt resist to peep in when IT got quiet. Tim was sitting back to the wall, with baby in his Arms. She saw all the things around -empty bottle, soother, dental gel.
Yes. She knew the phase well. But she didnt have to do everything on her own, she had nanny to help, to change for a while do she could sleep.
He Has nobody.
Ava was wrapped and she smiled as IT was the thing she advised him to do some time ago. She could take her to bed, but was afraid to wake her up, which would cause immediate end of sleep for Tim.
She sat by the table and poured herself some coffee. Looked at him once again.
His tired face meant he was going with everything on his own.  Ava was a stubborn baby, so making her sleep was impressive. Tim himself looked exhausted, but as she noticed he began to look better physically- he put some weight since she last saw him.
Even with this short beard, spiky hair and old t-shirt he looked attractive and she had to admit she understands  Calleigh.
He Has right to live his life, to be happy. Its not him WHO left. IT was his wife.
She got closer to him, decided to take Ava WHO was beginning to move a bit. Maybe if she will rock her for a while she falls asleep? She knelt down next to him and started to take over the baby. Bundle suddenly moved and she jumped out. Tim suddenly opened his eyes.
-..Andre ? What...what are you doing?
-Shh, I ll take her, try to  catch some sleep.
He looked at her with these Brown eyes. Then he did something she didnt expect at all- he rubbed her cheek with his hands and whispered_' thank you'. Then fell asleep again.
She took the baby to the next room to change the nappy.

The cheek was almost burning with heat. IT was nothing. Nothing. Just the gesture of gratitude, but she felt anxious. She understood that she expected something ...more?
No, Andre. Dont be stupid. What a relief he fell asleep.
Ava fell asleep too, so Andre was making breakfast when Tim finally woke up and joined her in the kitchen.
-Hey you.
-Hey. Sleep well?
-Yeah. Thanks for taking her. I was so tired.
-I Heard her at night... How long is IT like that?
-5-6 days. Nothing changes. Ill take her to the pediatrics to check if she's ok.
He stood next to her with a cup od coffee.
-Yeah, maybe that would be better off IT doesnt stop till a week .
-I will. He looked at her closer- thanks for advice.
She turned her back to him not to show how moved she actually was.

-Andre? Are you mad?
-No...I just.. -he came closer and turned her around. -What's wrong hm?
-Its nothing. I just...Im just tired.
-Look at me. I know you. I see sth is wrong. What is IT?
She looked at him. -Nothing Tim. Really. Nothing. All's fine.
-Come Here. Sorry I let you down.- He hugged her and rubbed her back a bit. -You are the last person I'd like to fail
She felt so weird. IT was just a friendly gesture, like any other.
-Tim, You'd better ... -She started
He looked surprised-. Hey. What's wrong ?
She looked at him. - This situation, Here, is awkward.
-What? Why? Andre, is there anything I said or did that makes you feel uncomfortable?
-No, but... Im sorry. Doesnt matter
He looked at her and hugged her.
-Sorry. Its always me who does everything wrong.
She just vouldnt resist. Her kiss surprised him more that she expected.  First he moved backwards, but then gave her the kiss back.
His breath was smelling with fresh coffee, she just couldnt resist IT.
He was the first to stop.
-Andre... Andre! Stop. - he pushed her backwards then hold her Arms. - stop.
Not That I dont like that... Im bit surprised but.... Andre, you will be sorry tomorrow. Then you will hate me. So stop.
-I dont care Tim.
-Yeah. You're right. You dont care for me, that's fine. But you love your husband and it's just...I dont know....moment of weakness.
She looked at him, straight in the eyes.
-No its not. I love my husband, my son. I like my comfortable life. But I'm all Alone Tim. Alex works a lot. I need somebody to talk to, to spend my time with...
-And you thought IT can be me? No Andre.  Working a lot, with a baby on board....Im not the best one. Besides...
-...Im your sister in ław.
-Yeah. That too.
-And you dont fancy me.
-Let' s put IT that way- Whatever was ever in my mind, Whatever I thought of you as a woman , was always toned by the family ties and gratitude I feel.
-Do you think Im still pretty?
-Yeah. I always thought youre a real beauty. But still - my wife's relative.
-Did you ever think of me another way?
He looked tired.
-Lets leave IT Andre, please. It's too complicated....
-I see. Im stupid.
-Youre not. Youre  not. Really. -She sat on the kitchen  floor and he knelt down. - Look at me. Im honoured of the fact, really, but....
She kissed him again.
-Tim... Ive never asked you for anything , havent I?
-No. -He moved back a little.
-So now Im asking for a favour. Just this once.
He nodded.

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