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Go to Jackson Memorial First- his inner voice told him despite  his experience,  which told him acccidents like that don't end well - but first make the call.
-Andre Welsh. Hello lieutenant- he heard her tingling voice which was about to change soon
-Hello Andre. Can we talk?
-yes. What's on?
-There's been an accident.... Courtney Speed and the baby were crashed into a traffic lights post.
-....and?when did that happen?
-Just now. Few hours ago .Courtney and Ava are at hospital. She's lost her Memory, doesnt remember much. She's not too bad. Ava has lots od scratches and she had a concussion, but she will be fine. She needs someone close to her, she's alone there. We can't provide IT all the way...can You help somehow?
-I need to talk to Alex, can You Give me an hour?
-Yes of course, Just informing You.
-...and Tim? -She asked as if she's Just remembered.
Horatio didn't know What to say.
-..I don't know. Haven't found him yet.
-What do You mean?
-He's not at the hospital. He was surely Taken from the scene, but I'm still looking
The silence at the other end of the line told him that Andre analyzed IT fast.
She was too inteligent to be lied about.
-is there a possibility that...
-Yes. However there's another one which I'm trying to check. As soon as I know anything I'll call again.
-No matter What? Promise me.
-I promise.
-I still Hope he's somewhere at hospital
-Me too. I'll let u know.- He hung up. Then got into his car and left fast.
Entering Jackson Memorial he was thinking that in a minute all his world can crack.
-Can I help You? Nurse in an Orange suit asked him politely.
-Yes... I'm looking for a person WHO could be rushed here after the accident.
-Oh..You must enter our Ryder Trauma center. They take all these calls. Try there, ok?- She touched his arm with a warm gesture.
-There's no even point to Ask here?
-No. But try there. I hope you'll succeed
-Thank You-. His heart started beating so fast.
-Miss? He asked the first nurse he saw at Ryder's.- How can I get any information about the person WHO could have been rushed here after the accident?
-When? -She sat behind the counter and started the data system
-Yesteraday. A man around 40.
The screen flashed.
- No. No such name. Was he Taken by our ambulance?
-I don't know. He must be Somewhere!!
-Have You checked....-she stopped seeing his despaired look- I can check whether there's any John Doe....
Seconds seemed hours....-Yeah. There were three sent here yesteraday, one of them female.
-No. The male.
-Go up and ask there. Good luck.
Thanks. -He ran to the ward in 30 seconds.
-I want to Ask about the guy from the accident. My name os Horatio Caine. He decided to faster IT a bit by flashing his badge
-Hello. Dr Hayden. Sure. The boy Is in the surgery.
-Not the one u need?
-Not really I'm looking for the guy around 40.
-Black hair?
-Yeah. Horatio's heart rate swushed to 150.
-In the ICU. And You are?
-I'm his friend.
They both entered the room with lots od machines, deafening beeping and hospital smell.
-Is This the guy you're looking for?
Oh god...Horatio closed his eyes -...Yeah. that's him. How's he ?
-Cerebral oedema after a massive head trauma. He's in induced coma to let IT heal better.
-And it's going fine. It's bit smaller than yesterday afer the diuretics.
-Anything else?
-His hand- is Broken in two different places. Lots od damage to the head- but shallow, only stitches but a lot of them. He won't look pretty until his hair grow. No internal bleeding.
Really lucky guy. Where's his family?
-His wife is in Miami General, so is his daughter.
-Are they well?
-Girl is ok and the wife lacks memory, Temporarily as I've been told.
-Any family Apart from that?
-A brother but hard to reach. I'll keep trying ok? Until that You have me to contact.
-Can I stay for a while?
-Yeah, but don't wait for any answer. He's under strong medications. We're gonna wake him in few days when the brain gets normal.
-Thank You. Oh ....and his name is Timothy Speedle.
-Sure.- He wrote IT on the documents clipped to the bed.- See You soon.
Horatio sat on the side od the bed and sighed.
-Gee Speed... I was so afraid. I Hope You can hear me- Courtney and Ava are ok. Hear me? They're ok.
I'll be back as soon as I can. Until then- hold on.
He left and took out his phone.
-Andre?? I found him.

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