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&I dont believe IT! How could you miss the car? She must have crossed the bridge... Look for her. She's got a baby with her. And I dont know what shes capable of....
-H?- Horatio Heard a voice from behind and saw Eric and Calleigh getting out of the car- what's going on?
-Courtney...took Ava and left in a car.
-I....I dont understand....why?
-We-me and Mrs Walsh- had a short conversation about the charges she put on Speed and she decided to leave.
-Did you let her do it? Without informing Speed? -Eric frowned
-What's wrong?- said Calleigh, WHO understood H's face expression Has changed.
-She threatened the baby with scissors. We-I- could do nothing more than to let her leave patiently and alarm the service.
-And Speed?
-Doesnt know yet. I guess its the last thing he needs now.
-What happened to that girl? -Calleigh shook her head.
-Do not judge her before we dont know what happened.
-You think he did sth to her? Or his baby?
-No. I cant believe IT. But there were similar cases where Nobody noticed any fault.
-Come on H.

-Im not saying hes guilty....Im saying ko people react badly if you dont believe them- she may feel scared or hurt and our not believing her made IT severe and do sth  she wouldnt normally do....
-Why the girl? She loved her very much, i dont doubt IT.
-She's the most valuable thing....and her best card in the hand. She knows Nobody will harm her as long as she Has the girl.

-Ok... Now. Calm down. Its also tthe thing we must talk over.
-Laura... I dont think we need to come back to the things from the past.
-Want me to help you? Then let me decide how to do IT. Im in Miami for 10 days. I can come Here every day , then I have to come back . We dont have much time.
The phone rang loudly.
-I'm sorry Ill  mute IT..- then she saw Horatio's number.
-I have to takie this Tim. Think of what I said.
She left and answered.
-Horatio, I cannot talk right now.
-I understand but As I think youre with Speed right now? Can you leave somewhere quiet?
-Yes...what's wrong?
-You cannot let him watch the news on TV or on the radio. The things went terribly wrong Here and his wife and baby are out od my Reach. We do not know what she can do, she acts abnormally.
-Did she threaten to hurt the baby?
-Kind of. Please, try to get to know if he could hurt her-them- in any way, and that's why she's running away. And Ill try to do my best to find her. Even if the Child alert will be needed.
That's why i need him out of the news.
-Ok. Do you think he may be quilty of sth? .
-Honestly? I dont really know. I thought he would never do anything like tgat, on the other hand- i would never think she could do sth like what she just did...If not the baby Id be happy if they split up. Since they are together there are only problems. I know how IT sounds but if he was my son, id suggest him stop seeing her....
-Ill do my best.  I promise. Its a sad story. I Hope you will find the baby
-Me to0.
Laura composed herself and entered.
-Ok. Ill  be open minded and honest.
-Ok. Lets start with this- she waved the  card he wrote on. -Really? Would you?
He considered his answer.- Honestly, Tim.
-Yeah. I would.
-Imagine then you want to do IT now.
He looked surprised. What??
-You want to kill yourself. How will u do IT?
After a while he said- id probably shot myself.
-And then? How would you do IT then?
-Probably take some drugs.
-Yeah. My mum had a lot. Or I could really buy drugs. Any drugs. I had opportunity and money.
-Ok...Lets get back to now. You want to live now?
-I have a baby. And wife.
-If you could use some words to describe your daughter...either good or bad... What would you say.
-Adorable. Strong. She surely knows what she wants. A pain in the ass as her dad
-Anything else?
-No. I could say unexpected but i prefer loved.
-Do you love her?
-I wouldnt even think  that I can love a Child so much... I thought IT will be a burden, a trouble.,.nah. Not her. I even like Jamie, Court's nephew.
I look forward when theyre both older and we will be all able to teach them new things, or when Avie will start to talk... She's crawling now and begins to stand up.... I dont even know if she still drinks formula...i havent seen my wife for weeks.. my
Girl for 6 days.
-Andre brings her sometimes, but not always Has time. Courtney.... Courtney never visits.
-I dont actually know. I think she hates me for what Ive done and punishes me this way.
-What youve done?
-Yeah. Accident. Adderall.
-Did she tell you that?
-No. She never said that.
-How do you feel with what she accused you of? Angry?why would she be afraid of you?

Speed silenced for a moment.
-Betrayed. Not angry. Not anymore. I just dont know why she did it. Really. When I heard of IT all I could feel was emptiness.  Doesnt matter if you believe me or not. Only that she said that. Accused me od sth I could never do.
To a woman.
Yes. I can get pretty angry, and sometimes lose Control over myself, Yes. I wanted to kill that bastard Andrew WHO did nasty things to her. Didnt care if i went to prison, she would be Safe.
And yes- I sometimes hurt myself. When its too much. I used to drink a lot few years back but you can ask anyone if I were agressive or nasty.... Never.
The same with medicines. They never made me violent.
Laura...I can swear to whatever you want, If I ever hurt my wife,  not even mentioning hurting my baby daughter, and lose them because of that, you would see me hung down the ceiling the very same day.

-Ok Tim. I guess its done for today.

He nodded and she left. Walking away of this building she called.
-Any news?
-Not yet. She just disappeared. Can you tell me anything more?
&I dont know about the wife yet, but I personally think there's no way he hurt the baby. Moreover- if you care about him better find them in good health, because if sth happens to them, you will lose him as soon as you leave him Alone for a moment.

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