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Time is irrelevant, places and happenings phase in and out. White walls, the drip of saline, glints of a metal pin under the skin.

Days blend together, she's wondering around the lush green of the grounds aimlessly. Without purpose or reason. Bathing in the sunlight, yearning for a warmth once lost.

Not all hope was lost, though. Sterile surroundings were eventually replaced with a familiar place. The days that passed becoming more distinguishable, home cooked meals and a safety only a mother could provide follow.

But, somewhere along the way, an important piece to the puzzle had been lost. Would it ever be found again? And if it ever was, would the ripple of devastation to follow be survivable. Or would it tear them apart, piece by piece, yet again. 

The Most Beautiful Moments In Lifeᵖᵗ¹ // OT7 BTS FF x OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن