Stay Close (Sehun)

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Everyone was laughing and her eyes were on him. His laughter sounded like a melody to her. As soon as his eyes caught her looking at him, she winked at him and he immediately looked away.

"Hyung, I have to leave early.." Sehun stood up.

"What's wrong? Stay till dinner. Eid made dinner for all. She would be really hurt if you leave without eating.." Chanyeol stopped Sehun. Sehun hesitated at first but he gave in soon enough. He looked down at her again.

"Rae, can you come here for a minute?" Eid called out for her from the kitchen.

Sehun sat down besides Yeol again taking the same seat. She smiled to herself. She stood up and passed them to go to kitchen but not before she intentionally touched Sehun's knees with her hands. Sehun shifted away to her touch.

"Coming Eid.." She ran to the kitchen.

"Were you again making that poor guy uncomfortable?" Eid got the hint looking at Rae's face. A big smile plastered on her face.

Rae sat on the counter and picked up nuts from the jar and stuffed them in her mouth.

"He's such a cutie Eid. Why doesn't he like me?" She pouted.

"Well if you are a little decent around him then maybe. You know that it's that hard.." Eid took the jar away from Rae which made her pout again.

"I don't think so it ever gonna happen. You know it kills me more the disgusting looks he gives to me. It kills me to get his attention more ughh"

Eid just glared at her.

"Thanks for staying. Otherwise I had to eat the food Eid made for you." Chanyeol joked.

"I will tell Eid that you are mocking her cooking.." Sehun laughed with Yeol.

Sehun let out a sigh when he saw the girls came out the kitchen. Eid smiled seeing Sehun. Sehun is like a baby to her. She loves babying this grown ass man. Rae just made a face when Eid went to hug Sehun.

"Aww you haven't been eating! Look how skinny you have become" Rae had been mumbling the exact words Eid always says seeing Sehun.

"Ouch" Rae looked around, Chanyeol just hit her on the head slightly.

"Yah stop!"

"You tell me why your gf baby your friend more than your own sister?" Rae pouted.

"Well if you stop mocking my gf, I will just let it slide that you were trying to seduce my dear friend." Chanyeol raised an eyebrow.

"Yeol! I swear I no.. Ughh Eid told you?" Rae looked at Eid and Sehun smiling and talking to each other.

"That's not the point sis." Yeol rested his palm's on Rae's shoulder. She looked down. "Do you like him? You can tell anything to your brother, you know that, right?"

She nodded. "I am not his type at all, right?"

Before Yeol could answer, they came up to the brother and sister. Yeol ruffled Rae's hair before he walked to Eid. Yeol is such a family man. He back hugged Eid resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Thanks for cooking.." He whispered to her ears before taking seat.

They all sat down. Rae was sitting across Sehun. It was hard not to notice how Sehun kept ignoring her as if she wasn't there. He wouldn't even laugh at her jokes. It made her sad but she was stubborn. It's in her genes. She learned from Yeol that they get whatever they want.

Well if Sehun was ignoring her, she was on the other hand staring at him all the while. If staring could make holes in bodies, Sehun already had a few.

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