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Previously on her silence.......

Xen nudges Darla and she stops laughing too. The kitchen is suddenly quiet. Ruby is staring at us with very cold eyes and eyeing us in disgust, she snarled

"What are you laughing at?"


The kitchen is suddenly silent, all discussions suspended. Ruby is standing closer than three inches and she doesn't look happy. She probably heard us and thought we were making fun of her. Maybe we would have heard the sound of her footsteps if we weren't laughing.

Ruby is an only child. She is very beautiful and smart. She has such a powerful aura that whenever anyone is around her, they are scared to make the slightest noise. She has crowned herself the queen of this hostel and has tried to make life very miserable .....for me and for my friends.

Three seconds later, she stares at us disdainfully wearing her skimpy hostel gown. The story will be different if the matron walks in and see her wearing that. Her long hair is unbraided and she taps her manicured nails impatiently on the table.

"We weren't laughing at you Ruby"I explain, saying each word slowly as if I was talking to a little child.

"Burn!"someone yells but the thick walls and the trooping crowd makes it impossible to tell who is who.

"Really? It seems Audrey your friends has made you their spoke person."Ruby sneers staring as me as if I was a huge pile of garbage, three wrinkles appearing on her forehead.

Such a beautiful face wasted on someone so vain.

"You asked a question and I answered"I reply.

"This is interesting did I hear right?"Ruby asks cupping her hands to her ear.

"You're talking back at me. Do you know who I am?"She Snickers in her supposed british accent. Her question coming out more of a statement.

"Devil's incarnate"xen mumbles.

That's my girl.

"You're a human, Ruby and I'm not scared of you."

I am standing next to Ruby, staring into her eyes. Where did I get that courage from?

Partially because about a hundred student are in this kitchen and I will not be known as weak.

Partially because this Ruby girl has been getting on my nerves and her toxic perfume is intoxicating me almost to the point of delirium.

Now that I've said that. Is the ground suddenly shaking?

Do I feel like taking three fast breaths?

Am I waiting for world war three?

The answer to all these questions is YES but don't get me wrong I am totally not afraid of a girl towering over me by two inches and almost twice my size and the school wannabe because I'm not only beautiful, i'm smart.

Vera nudges me in the elbow warning me to be silent. Too late sister. Too late. Can't take back what has been said or can I?

Maybe if I actually take my life seriously and decide to finish that time machine I'd been working on, I would have been more confident. I Would have said a lot of harshful words and taken myself to 15 years later if I'm still alive cause why not?

Oops back to the story.

"Interesting...I can see your friends are also enjoying the show you are putting up." Ruby gestures smiling widely.

Her silenceWhere stories live. Discover now