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previously on her silence....

"You know a monkey once went to the zoo and when he saw other animals! He exclaimed what animals forgetting he was one."

"You're a human Ruby and I'm not scared of you."

"Just let it be."

"Leave her.."

"Just ignore her you know she has stones for brains."

"Don't be. I was pretty humoured by my new friends. Guys in as much as I would totally love  to stay and chat I have a life to live so byee."

"That Ruby girl is going to get what's coming to her soon enough and Tori not only do you need to lose your phone. You need therapy.

***In another location


     I step into the hallway glancing left and right. It is dark and empty. Not a single one in sight which is unusual because the security are always on midnight patrols. Something is different this night and whatever it is saved us.

I sigh in relief.

"Ok Dylan it's safe for you to come out now"I wisper.

  Groaning, Dylan stumbles into the hallway.

"I'm so drunk."He laughs holding a bottle of stout trying to keep his balance.

"Are you crazy I told you to throw that away."I wisper looking around nervously.

For a moment I thought I heard approaching footsteps. Phew..was just my imagination.

"Sorry. Sorry."Dylan mumbles.


I am holding his shoulder to support him but his lanky figure keeps wavering.

"I feeeeeel high!"he screams.

"I'm walking on sunshine oh oh!"

"Lord. Shut up!"I warn fiddling in my pockets for the right key.

Where is Collins when you need him?

"You should try to get drunk someday, it's a reaaaaaaaly good feeling"
  "Thank you"I reply and finding the right key I open the door.

  "You stink!How could you let this happen?"I scold.

  I support Dylan into the room and he falls down. I shut the door silently and groping for the light switch I turn it on.

"Geez you look baddd."

"The woman"Dylan mumbles.


"The woman"Dylan repeats.

"She was scary. It was a nightmare."He screams.

" You're really loosing it. what's up with you and a woman?"I ask.

Williams groans and his eyes flickers open.

"I'm trying to sleep."He snaps.

"Are you okay?" I ask staring at him.

"You don't look so good"

"Migraine. I think I'm going to die."

"Been there."Dylan groans.

Dylan crawls closer to me trying to say something when he wretchs on my trousers.


   "Such a fool to get drunk. Where'd you find him?" Williams ask wrinkling his nose in disgust.

"We went out for a little stroll and the next thing he was missing."

"Good thing he wasn't caught."Williams groans and winces.

I use my handkerchief to dab at the stains but I think I made it worse.

  Dylan bends down and retches on the floor.

I think I'm going to see that sandwich I ate earlier.

"When will you grow up?"

He is laughing.

  "Seemed like you really had a good time tonight. What would have happened if I didn't see you when I did? You would have been expelled ."

  "They're all traitors.. every one of them"Dylan screams and I shake my head.

"Just how much did you have to drink? Would you please stop shouting? Do you want to wake everyone up?" Williams eyes Dylan angrily.

"I don't give a fuck about who wakes up, they should all know, they're liars. It's all a lie."Dylan screams.

   Dylan looks even more slimmer in his present state. He is slim and tall. He wavers among the rest of all no wonder he's called "Iroko."

"If doesn't shut up. I'll shut him up."Williams clenches his fist, his Adams apple popping out.

"He's fine. Just a little drunk.".

"Let the whole roof falllll!" Dylan screams.

In exactly three seconds after his scream, i hear approaching footsteps. Oh Lord let that be my imagination too. The sound stops and someone knocks on the door so hard, I felt he would remove it's hinges.

My heart beat increases rapidly.

I place my index finger on my mouth warning Dylan to be silent.

"I know you're in there."

"So what are you going to do about it?"Dylan screams in return..

  "You are going to kill me one day."

I walk hesistantly to the door, watching Dylan closely.

"I don't care if he's drunk but if I fucking hear one more sound I'm going to bring out my gun and shoot both of you." The huge figure on the door threatened and slammed the door.

"Pleasure seeing you too Marco"I called after him and locked the door nervously.

"It's about time. If Marco doesn't kill him. I will" Williams smiles, his eyes shooting daggers.

"I think I'm going to be sick!"Dylan gags.

"The room is spinning in circles, Dennis can you see it?"He asks excitedly.

"The room is not spinning, you're drunk"

  "If the room is spinning the roof will fall" Dylan says excitedly and splutters on the floor.

  "You are definitely going to clean this mess when you're sober"

  "I'm not going to"He screams.

  "Do you have a death's wish?"

"Marco is gonna kill us"I warn with clenched teeth.

"Never cared about that Nigga all talk and no action!"

"look at this huge mess, how did you become this way?"I ask wrinkling my nose in disgust.

"She's coming. The woman is coming for all us. You have to save everyone!"

Dylan screams even more.
     I pick up my pillow and walk out the room.

If Williams and Marco do murder him, I will not be an eye witness.

And that's all for chapter three. A new character introduced. What's up with Dylan and a woman any  guesses and oh yeah our chapter song is Drunk by Keshi.

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