
17 3 4

Previously on her silence....

We were still talking to Abi when a middle aged woman stepped into the podium.

  The whole hall was set in stony silence. She took her time to arrange the collar of her white gown which gave more beauty to her glowing dark skin.

"Good morning girls." She boomed breaking into a contagious smile.

Then I remembered something, throughout our entire walk I didn't see Vera.

She wasn't with us when we walked into the building.

"Oh Vera"I said silently,

"What have you gotten yourself into now?"


    I walked in the hallways with the ease of one  accustomed to it. I had come to school earlier today. I made it a goal to avoid my friends. What is the use of one anyway if they won't support you in your times of need?

    As I take each step, I am rewarded with the echo of my steps. Not a single indication that any one had ever been here. All the classes are firmly locked. I attempted to open the door   but it didn't budge.


Only then did  I notice the note pasted on the door.

"Classes have been reshuffled." and I kicked the door on exhasperation.

"Dang. What's all of this?"

Classes reshuffled? How was I supposed to Know? There were tons of buildings . Maybe If i had gone to the hostel first, I would have known about this.

How would I find my way? If I was twenty minutes late or I missed a class I'd be suspended for a week and I couldn't afford that. Especially at that moment. I increased my pace , searching for a student but there was none lurking around the premises.

"Ok Dylan. Stop and think. If you were the school principal what's the perfect spot to move classes too"I thought and I groaned.

I was  clueless.

"These are some fresh footprints"I observed glancing at some foot prints on the ground. Most importantly these were foot  prints made by girl's shoes  Those girls were here and not too long ago.

I was getting tired and thirsty.

"Why is this school so damn big!!"

I couldn't afford to rest for too long.

"This isn't fun even for me"



I have an obsession. It is not literal, physical or rhetorical. It is a desire that lives in me... Longer than any tree and any river had ever hoped to achieve. It calls me in words I can't decipher and keeps me longing, away from the crowd. I call my desire, "aesthetic."

  The group of birds chirping outside the window, a song I had never heard before, bringing tears to my eyes  as I sat in the huddle of my friends. They did not notice the beauty of nature or the things around us instead they were forming a straight line. That's when I took the  opening. I slipped out unnoticed.  While outside,I stared at the purple sky . I tried even a little to touch it, it was a failed attempt. This place was beautiful. If one wanted to appreciate nature where would one start?

First I made a stop at a garden. The rich fragrance knocked me off my feet as I stared in awe at the rows of flowers and how they had been perfectly arranged to create perfection. It was inhumane to even attempt to touch one of these.

The next building was filled to the brim. People  trooping into the elevators. I couldn't attempt exploring here. I moved.

Finally I spotted a building that looked empty, more importantly it promised to give me a breath taking view and unlike the rest it was not painted.

"Bingo! Here I come!"

I snuck into the first room. It was truly beautiful. With some difficulty, I was able to pry  the windows open and I sighed inhaling fresh air.

"This room is so huge, I can think of so many ways to design it"

I touched the wall and I smiled.

"Even the walls are perfect." I groaned.

Just then I heard the door slam and retreating footsteps. It took me 10 seconds to run to the door.

"Hey!"I screeched, banging hard but it was firmly locked.

I tapped on the door.

"Someone let me out!"

I raked my hands through my hairs, screaming,

"No! No! No!  this isn't happening to me. I am not going to die in a strange locked room. No!"

I remembered Mrs Buttercup warning.

" The school has put in strict penalities for those who exceed the area provided to them. Under no circumstances should you be found "exploring" or discovering new places that you have no authorized access. If you are caught "exploring" you will feed the dogs for a whole month and be expelled."

I am not going to die! I am not doing to die!

Mustering all the strength I can I howled, "Help!"



"Help" echoes from an unknown source but maybe it's my head.

The next time I hear the scream, I am assured it's not my head playing tricks.

"Seems like someone else is also lost"I sighed.

Then I heard the scream again and this time,it was insistent. Seemed it was coming from a nearby building. Whoever it was was stupid, that building has been abadoned for years.It could crumble anytime.


I made a detour to the building. Not because I wanted to help but because I was curious.



No help was forthcoming. Ten minutes had left me completely delirious and unserious as I no longer attempted to shout for help. Was this the moment of finality? End? How long would be trapped in this open box before they would find me? Dead or alive? I shut my eyes in resignation.

"The girls will notice my absence sooner or later"then I heard  approaching footsteps. Was it same person who locked me in?

I prepared myself for what happened next. At the moment when things are tense always remember self defense.

The door was  slid open and I struck.

"This better be an emergency." I mumbled, removing the bolt.
It happened so slowly. The door sprung open and  I felt a sharp pain. I stared and blinked. It was a girl and she was staring at me frightened perhaps or was that a grin?  I blinked again yep I wasn't hallucinating she was still there and I just got punched in the face. My face muscles tightened and staring at her with very red eyes,I asked


Chapter song: Who I am by Anne Marie

Emphasis on I'm so stubborn I know...

Her silenceWhere stories live. Discover now