fifteen part 2

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Previously on her silence....

Then I remembered something during the 10 minutes when Mrs buttercup and her mom were talking, she didn't say a word not even once.

Then it dawned on me, a startling revelation, she wasn't silent because she wanted us to leave,
She was ...... mute.

"Guys can I talk to you for a minute?"i mumbled.

"What about?"Vera asked and I gave her the look.

"A minute.. got it"Vera said and we walked a bit further. Our heads in a huddle.

Judy yawned, "What's going on?"

"Guys she isn't ignoring us....."I mumbled  glancing at the strange girl who seemed to be staring back.

"Yes because she can't speak, thought so too"Xen interrupted

Judy whisper shouted,"What is she even doing here? Thought there is supposed to be a school for such mute people thingy..she can't survive in a normal school"

"Hush she can hear us"Mira warned.

We all looked behind and true enough, she was staring.

"Think she heard what I said"Judy said plastering a fake smile.

"What do you think?"Darla wispered smacking her on the shoulders.

"You always talk irresponsibly." Vera scolded.

"When?"Judy asked rolling her eyes, "have I ever talked irresponsibly?"

  "How about now?" Xen interjected.

"Poor girl..she seems so shaken"Mira said.

Vera mumbled,"Won't you be if you couldn't speak?"

"Let's make her feel at home, this time for real"Judy said and we nodded.

We walked up to the new girl.

"Hi I'm Judy. This is a really beautiful place and I know you must love it here."

She smiled in response.

"This is going to be fun if we're not asked to wash the toilet and all"I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Welcome to our new school from the best friends"Darla said and she brought out a book and pen.

"She's writing something!"Vera wispered.

"What are the chances it's go away"Xen mumbled.

"Shut up!"I said and she held out her book.

"Thank you"Mira read it out.

"Awwwn she told us thank you that's so super sweet."

She took back the note and wrote again,

"I really like it here but it's different." and we smiled.

Xen grinned,"Is it bad I'm itching to know your name?"

The girl picked up her note and wrote some words.

"Abifoluwa but you can call me Abi"I read out.

"AWwwn it's nice to meet you Abi"we all said and she smiled.

Now you've all met the mystery kid Abi. She actually seems nice.
Um what next?
Find out next time on her silence.
Chapter song: Good part by AJR
Like can we skip to the good part alreadyyy!!

Her silenceWhere stories live. Discover now