Thirty eight

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Come outside the note had said.
Or you'd regret it.
I read the paper again slowly.

"What are you reading love letter?"Judy snatched the paper from behind, hoisting herself on the table

She read aloud, "meet me outside......" and her face suddenly turned cold.

"Have you finished reading the love letter?" I snatched the paper from her and started scratching my head.

Judy said, "Do you know where this letter is from? I told you we should involve the police. I should have found a way to call my dad. This thing is not funny anymore."

"I found the paper like that. In my bag. Judy what have we gotten ourselves into like this? I'm not ready to die." I held her shoulder.

Judy said, " I'm going to look for a teacher and find a way to call my dad. Just don't go anywhere and stay where people are. He will know what to do."

She hopped off the seat.

"Judy wait!" I whispered. I ran to meet her, "Please let me come with you. I'm scared. Don't leave me alone."

She stared at me and suddenly started laughing . "Wait o!" She emphasized placing her hands on her waist. "Is it this small letter that's making you to be afraid? What if someone is just trying to mess with you. Calm down. No one will come and kidnap you in front of full class. I'm coming."

"Be careful and be fast!" I said and she nodded. She turned to look at me one last time before she left. Tori entered as she left.

She waved, "Hey Xen!"


"Are you okay?" She asked looking at me. She brought her hands to my forehead. " your face looks very pale....."

I cut in, "I'm very okay."

"Okay o !" She drawled and turned her head.

" where are the others?"

I said, "Different classes."

"Anyway."she clapped, "this is also my class and seems like we have free period. I have a present for you downstairs."

I scoffed, "which present?"

She pouted, "present naw. See I'm sorry I did not keep in touch with you guys but there's a reason. I got some things for everyone but I got something specially for you...."

"For me?" I was suddenly getting excited.

Tori's family was very rich so if she was getting me anything, it would be out of the ordinary.

She mouthed, "The camera!"

"Is a lie!" I screamed as the whole class turned to stare but I did not care.

"It's a fucking lie. That thing is damn expensive. How..?"

"I have my ways. Oya let's go now!"she dragged my hand.

"I'm coming! I'm coming! Let me just wait for Judy. I think she went to ease herself." I said zipping my bag.

She patted my head, "so you don't trust me? It's me o. Tori."

"Ehn!" I nodded.

"Anyways...." She drawled walking away.

"The real present is downstairs and if you don't get there in ...." She glanced at her wristwatch.
"In exactly 3 minutes. You'd regret it for the Rest of your life."

I mumbled, "What do you mean?"

"You will see." She said.

I picked up my bag, "Tori wait let's go together."

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