Thirty three

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Previously on her silence......
But what exactly where
we missing......
(during recess)

What's a feeling more uncertain than life itself? Uncertainty. Uncertainty of life, uncertainty of death and impending danger. It seemed like just yesterday and indeed it was, when we found out a plot to kill a girl, Abi insisted it was her but it could be anyone. Moreover Ruby was entangled in all this, and by helping someone who was not even our friend maybe Arch enemy, we were putting our lives in danger.

We all agreed to meet at a class in the fifth floor . I arrived first and while I was opening the window Mira and Darla came in together.

"Are we really going to help Ruby?" Mira whispered,

Darla chewed on her lip thinking, " she might not be our friend but if the target really is Abi. We have to save her. She's the only one who has the information."

"Come to think of it how did she get it? And how did she know the exact paper to take?" Audrey muttered walking in.

I arranged my hair, "why shouldn't we involve the authorities again?"

"Because....."Dennis mumbled, stepping in with his friends.

Abi strolled in, "Sorry I'm late."

"Is the idea of reporting to the authorities like your cue to come in?" Judy mumbled.

Lora entered the room panting, " Hey guys!"

"Did you invite her?" Audrey whispered with a fake smile plastered around her face.

"I didn't." I replied with the same fake smile.

Dylan explained, "We don't know who's the supposed killer is. We can't Report to the authorities, because she might be an insider."

"Arrrgh. I'm tired of this supposed killer. Can we give her a code name already?" Xen groaned.

I hadn't noticed her presence.

"How about Red since she likes blood?" Ruby offered stepping in with Riley.

Audrey walked to the door shutting it, " seems like everyone outside, can hear our conversation."

"Not bad. She has a name tho." Abi grinned.

"She doesn't deserve to be called by a name." One of the boys Wisdom or Jed was it, replied chewing a pack of chips.

Lora said, "I'm just curious, Audrey how did you get this guys to join us the first time?"

"Let me explain." Dylan said chuckling.

"She actually had the mind to go outside our hostel armed with the names Vera and Darla told her. Only she met Wisdom first and instead of the idiot to tell her he was one of our friends, he lied that we were not in and that we had gone to the school cafeteria. Made her go round the school like 2 times before she met Marco. Marco finally directed her to our room and you can imagine the smoke that came out of her head when she saw Wisdom playing chess with us."

"Then she explained " Jed continued, " At first it made no sense but after some time. We promised to come for the meeting."

"Sweeeeet." Lora muttered.

We became silent for quite a while.

"Any leads yet?" Ruby asked.

Everyone shook their head no.

Judy paused stuffing a chocolate in her mouth, "Can we go over the story again?"

"I've said this before. I was in the dark room sitting quietly, I heard a noise, turned out to be a paper. I had my phone with me so I used it's light and I saw some codes and other strange stuff and one paper said to find and kill the girl in English. I took that paper and found a way to escape. Turned out the idiots forgot to lock the door. When they were arguing, I sneaked out and called my friend to interpret."

Vera said, "can we see this paper?"

"Got rid of it." Abi snapped.

"You didn't hear anything suspicious. Any names?"


"Isn't that the same Malcolm that's like the principal's personal body guard or something like that?" Collins asked.

"All I know is he's one of the men who took me to the dark room."

"I also noticed someone trailing us yesterday." Wisdom said stroking his cheeks.

Lora squealed ,"They've found us already!"

"Who knows how to fight?" I suddenly interrupted.

"I mean you guys know how to do martial arts right?"

"Definitely. I don't see the point though" Dennis cut in.

Xen ordered, "We are going to pretend to know nothing and when we're being followed, we catch and beat that stalker. I also need you guys to find out as much as you can about this Malcom guy. "

"Got it." Dennis nodded.

Collins muttered, "Shit! We're late for class."

"Everyone stay safe."


"Bye baby doll!"

"Bye Arachnid!"

And we walked out the room one by one.

I noticed a figure scrambling down the stairs.

"Hey!" Dennis yelled running after him/her.

It took quite a while for me to decide if I should post this chapter or not. But I'm tired of editing. So enjoy 😁

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