Thirty seven

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That's it. I should try adding honey in my next cupcake I thought as I placed my hands to the running tap.

"Little girl!" I thought I heard. I spun my head. Strange I was alone.

"Tired of hiding?" The same voice echoed.

I yelled, "Who are you? Show yourself!"

"Pity. I thought you would rather be bold." The door creaked open and the lady stepped in clothed in black regalia.

I was trying to make out her face, but she stood concealed. "who are you?"

"You don't remember me? The Akara seller?" She laughed taking off her wig to reveal Yoruba plaited weaving. She moved a bit closer to the light.

I moved backwards, " God. I don't remember. You must have the wrong person."

She moved closer again taking off her shoes one by one, "Mama Ibeji?"

"I don't know you."I cried praying for someone to open the door but the rest room remained empty.

She took off her earrings and dropped it on the floor, "Etawe street, No 9?"

At that moment, something happened. Something like a movie played in my head. I suddenly felt weak.

"Please. It was all an accident. Forgive." I bent my knees.

She snickered, "Forgive? I guess you're the stupid one. Where's your  friend?"

I screamed louder, " Please forgive  us. Please I would do anything but don't kill me."

She laughed cynically and brought out a gun.

"I would kill you but I want you to cause your death. You and your useless mother are the cause of this so called Revolution and many people are going to die and you're telling me to spare you?"her hair whisked back and forth.

I whispered, "Did you say it's happening. THE REVOLUTION? Jesus were all going to die."

"Your death is certain." She said she pointed the gun.

"Any last words!"


Just then I heard the sound of bone cracking and she dropped to her knees. I stared at her horrified as Mackintosh held a wood.

"Thought you'd need help." She grinned and held my hand.

I stared at mama Ibeji's  unconscious form, "How much do you know about this revolution?"

"Well enough to know if we don't get out of here we're dead meat. They've counted 20 dead bodies." She gestured me to the door.

I swallowed hard. I have to warn my friends.

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