
36 5 2

Previously on her silence.

"You should try to get drunk someday it's a really good feeling."

"You're really losing it, what's up with you and a woman?"

"Migraine. I think I'm going to die."

"I don't care if he's drunk but if I fucking hear one more sound I'm going to bring out my gun and shoot both of you."

"She's coming. The woman is coming for all of us. You have to save everyone."

   If Williams and Marco do murder him, I will not be an eye witness.



    "She's going to open her eyes."
    "She won't."

    "I said she would!"

I open my eyes slowly, everything is a blur. I shut it back.

"See she's opened her eyes you owe me two k." Vera's voice.

My eyelids flutter and finally let the light in.  I first squint and then look at my surroundings.
"Aunty is like you don't want to wake up o. "Judy mumbles.

I stare at her. It takes 3 seconds for it to register that she's already dressed for school.

"What's the time?"I ask yawning lightly.

"Quarter to you're very late." Vera replies.

She is also dressed.

"Be serious now."

"7:20." Mira announces.

"Christ!"I scream tumbling out of the bed.

"Why didn't you guys wake me earlier?"

"When the alarm rang around five, we woke you up but you just hissed and went back to sleep. I no wan chop slap like the last time so I just left you. You can ask Vera."Judy shrugs.

"And you guys left me..oh Lord!"I scream running to the bathroom.

"Audrey we can't wait for you. See you in class."Judy hollers.

Just great.

I step out of the bathroom in ten minutes time. My mind is presently disorganized and I'm trying to remember what I need.

Oh yes.

Cream and clothes.

Few minutes later I'm staring at the mirror trying to button my uniform.

I arrange my collar and sigh.

I'm almost ready.

These girls did not really wait for me.

I'll address that later.

I run out of the room before I remember I forgot something. I run back inside and pick up my school bag.

  Now it's to make it to class before Mrs Rona enters that class if not I'll turn to scapegoat.

"Audrey you made it"Rejoice smiles.

I am standing at the foot of the staircase breathing heavily.

I have never run so much in my life and I'm not exaggerating because the way I climbed seven flight of stairs within a minute eh.

Now is my stomach presently hurting?

Is my heartbeat suddenly increasing?

Am I breathing faster than marathon race runners?

Her silenceWhere stories live. Discover now