Twenty Eight

15 3 2

Previously on her silence......

Riley paused till a few girls loitering walked away.

There is something strange happening. I just know it.

Johnny asked himself, " what happened eleven years ago?"


"It's that time of the year " Someone whispered.

"That time." Jason and wisdom repeated. When I stared at collins, his feet seemed to be shaking.

The voice echoed, "Good evening boys. It is assumed that you are all assembled outside the hostel. Without further hesitation, I am pleased to announce. It is time!"

" who is speaking?" Jed mumbled.

"It's a guy wearing a blue suit."

An anonymous voice yelled, " but it's not until the next term."

"It's time to prove your worth and why you should stay in this school. That you are ready, able and capable of defending yourself in case of any external aggression."

" This is fun." Collins grinned.

"You have three days to choose your weapons. Failure with immediate expulsion."

"Three days? Easy." Marco scoffed

"That's all." The voice concluded.

I tried to crane my neck at the podium to see who was addressing but he was already gone.

"What are you choosing?" Wisdom nudged me.

"Archer boy? Sword guy or....."

There was something familiar about that speaker.

"Of course we've been in this school for five years. You've seen him before." Jed arranged his collar.

Wisdom ordered, "You'll figure it out sooner or later. Let's go we have a choice to make."

" I'm using sands. Something mysterious about them." Dylan bent down and rubbed some against his hands.

"You guys go ahead. I'm going to see if I can catch up with this speaker."

"Be careful curiosity kills the cat." Wisdom cautioned.

I nodded and ran towards the direction the speaker had gone.

I turned left, then right . He couldn't have gone that far. I turned left again. I almost missed him because his blue jacket was already gone and his faded grey top camouflaged with the building. There was something familiar about the way he talked and his hand gesture like a movie I had watched before but can't quite place.

"Excuse me sir!" I called.

The three men stopped talking and the men wearing black suits turned simultaneously.

"Sir I wanted to ask more about your....." I went on but he did not flinch.

" I wanted to ask if I can pick more than one ....."


It was Mr Williams and he seemed furious.

"You shouldn't be here alone. Why are you bothering the guest?"

"I just wanted to ask ...."

" Depart to your hostel immediately. If you have any other questions come to me." Mr Williams interrupted.

He walked up to the man who had addressed us earlier and tapped him on the back.

" I'm so sorry Mr Walter. Dennis is a little enthusiastic for his age."

" it's okay." Mr Walter nodded walking away.

If I had seen his face!

"Well to your hostel !" Mr Williams yelled.

"Where have you been?" Jed screeched when I stepped in.

" Just  chilling."

"We'll while you were just chilling. We were doing something reasonable. Jed chose sword..Dylan chose sand. Wisdom chose catapult strangely weird and I'm the arrow guy." Collins announced.

I mumbled, "Good for you."

"Hey is everything okay?"

" That's the problem something is telling me that things are about to go wrong and I can't do anything about it."

"Hymn" wisdom stroked his chin.

"Found the identity of the speaker?"

"That's the problem. I don't trust this school anymore. Am I the only one that think Self defense being an actual compulsory course is weird. We're given these weird situations every second terms when we actually have to fight for our lives. Like there's something they're not telling us about. I've seen that man before and I know it. The fact I've not forgotten him means it's for a bad cause. You guys think I'm going crazy?" I paused.

Collins grinned, " crazy maybe. But why do we have these defense exercises? Most importantly why are we asking these questions now?"

"Because of the Zombies apocalypse. Read a book." Dylan grinned.

" don't worry bruh you're safe. Zombies only eat brains."

" And if what you're saying Is actually true. Guess we'd have to fight." Collins concluded.

Who's Walter again you're asking?
Half of your questions will be answered in book two, "her resilience."

People are choosing sword like this.
What will you choose?
Me I choose spoon🙂
Big spoon

Chapter song:Anpanman by BTS

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